Computational Toxicology Communities of Practice: National Coastal Condition Assessment - Enhanced Surveys of the Great Lakes
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Topic: National Coastal Condition Assessment: Enhanced Surveys of the Great Lakes
Who: Dr. David Bolgrien, Research Biologist in the Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure's Great Lakes Toxicology and Ecology Division
When: June 25, 2020 from 11:00 AM- 12:00 PM EST
Where: Register for webinar using EventbriteEXIT, check the confirmation email section at the bottom titled "Additional Information" for instructions to join.
Topic overview:
To help protect ecosystems services in coastal areas, like clean water for swimming and drinking, EPA conducts the National Coastal Condition Assessment (NCCA) as part of the National Aquatic Resource Surveys. NCCA collects indicators of sediment, fish, and water quality of the Great Lakes and marine estuaries every 5 years. Surveys help managers understand the status and trends in condition of these important ecological, biological, and recreational resources. They use the data to decide how to protect areas that are in very good condition or vulnerable to degradation and to restore areas that have suffered environmental damage.
National surveys get the big picture of environmental quality but may not give states the information needed to manage local or regional problems, like harmful algal blooms. To make the NCCA more management-relevant EPA has enhanced surveys in the Great Lakes. Highlighted enhancements will include connecting channels, basin-level assessments of Lake Erie and Lake Michigan and assessments of nearshore waters of islands and National Parks and Lakeshores.
For more information visit the EPA's Computational Toxicology Communities of Practice webpage