GREENSCOPE’s methodology has been developed and its software tool designed such that it can be applied to an entire process, to a piece of equipment or process unit, or at the investigatory bench scale. This versatility allows for a direct comparison between several processes manufacturing the same product but employing different raw materials, reaction processes, separation technologies, or producing different byproducts. In addition, the designer or the researcher can implement this methodology to evaluate the sustainability performance either before or after making process modifications. This resulting sustainability assessment describes quantifiably how well the system under consideration makes use of mass and energy inputs to manufacture a valuable product, at the same time meeting social and environmental needs, all the while maximizing its economic benefit.
Users of GREENSCOPE can calculate either all of the indicators available or a desired subset of them. The entire set will provide more complete information, but it is understandable that users could have preferred indicators in which they have more interest. Knowing about the complete list of indicators available can add to understanding of process sustainability, so it is recommended that users read the entire list, even if their focus is on certain indicators.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Appendix C: GREENSCOPE Technical Users Guide - Web-Based Version Beta (PDF)(96 pp, 3 MB, December 2014)