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EPA Releases Interim Final List of Businesses Subject to Fees for Next 20 TSCA Risk Evaluations

For Release: August 26, 2020

Today, EPA is releasing an interim final list of businesses subject to fees for the 20 chemicals designated as high priority for risk evaluation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The list released today is an updated version of the preliminary list released earlier this year. Making this interim final list available now gives businesses and other stakeholders an opportunity to review the list for accuracy and provides time for businesses to engage in initial outreach regarding the formation of consortia to share in fee payments.

Following publication of the preliminary list in January 2020, manufacturers (including importers) of the 20 high-priority chemicals were required to report to EPA and identify whether they manufacture or import these chemicals. EPA used this information, along with feedback received during the public comment period, to develop the interim final list.

EPA will publish the final list of businesses subject to fees for the 20 high-priority chemicals concurrently with the release of the final scope documents for these chemicals.

Companies on the final list are subject to a portion of the TSCA fee for these risk evaluations and have 60 days to notify EPA of the formation of consortiums. The agency plans to begin invoicing for the fees after those 60 days have passed. Due to the public health emergency, EPA is exploring options for payment flexibilities.

Businesses and other stakeholders can contact Lynn Vendinello, Deputy Director, Chemical Control Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, U.S. EPA at 202-566-0514 or with questions about the updated list.

View the interim final list of fee payers.


Under the TSCA Fees Rule, manufacturers (including importers) of each chemical are responsible for paying a fee associated with EPA-initiated risk evaluations. 

In January 2020, the agency published a preliminary list of businesses that manufacture (including import) the 20 chemicals prioritized for risk evaluation in docket EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0677. At that time, EPA also opened a public comment period for manufacturers (including importers) of these 20 high-priority substances to report to EPA and identify whether they manufacture (including import) these chemicals. 

In March 2020, the agency announced its plan to initiate a new rulemaking process to update the fees rule to resolve implementation issues raised by stakeholders.

Learn more at TSCA fees.