CHIEF Archive Search
The CHIEF Archive is a collection of references cited in the Compilation of Air Pollutant Emissions Factors, AP-42, Volume I: Stationary Point & Area Sources and the supporting background documentation.
If you need older AP-42 emission factors for comparison or historical purposes, the earlier editions and supplements are available on the Older Editions of AP 42, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emissions Factors webpage.
This information is provided for reference purposes only. This is an archive of older and often superseded documentation related to stationary source emissions factors.
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Search Tips
By default, the search locates documents containing words in the exact order they are typed. When you want documents containing any of several words, use commas to separate them.
For example, searching for:
1) formaldehyde emissions
2) formaldehyde, emissions
3) formaldehyde and emissions