CIMC - How to Link to the Map or Site Profiles
This page explains how to link to a specific view of the Cleanups in My Community map from your web page.
Simply insert the appropriate code below, per the instructions, into your web page(s).
National Maps by Program
To bring up the CIMC Map, focused on a particular cleanup program, use the following URLs:
- for Brownfields Properties:|Cleanup||||true|false|false|false|false|false|||sites|Y
- for Brownfields Grant Jurisdictions:
- for RCRA Corrective Action:|Cleanup||||false|true|false|false|false|false|||sites|Y
- for Superfund:|Cleanup||||false|false|true|false|false|false|||sites|Y
- for Recovery Act:|Cleanup||||false|false|false|true|false|false|||sites|Y
- for Federal Facilities:|Cleanup||||false|false|false|false|true|false|||sites|Y
- For Federal Facility Docket Facilities:|Cleanup||||false|false|false|false|false|false|||sites|Y|true
- for Removals:|Cleanup||||false|false|false|false|false|true|||sites|Y
Site Maps Using Latitude and Longitude
To bring up the CIMC Map, focused on a particular latitude and longitude, use the following format for your URL:
where AA.AAAAA is the Latitude and -LLL.LLLLLL is the Longitude, in decimal degrees, of the center point you want to use. Be sure to use the the minus (-) sign as necessary to indicate southern or western hemisphere. The number of decimal degrees is adjustable based on whatever accuracy you have available.
Site Maps Using Site Name
To bring up the CIMC Map, focused on a particular cleanup location, using the site name, use the following format for your URL:
- for Brownfields:|Cleanup||||true|false|false|false|false|false|||sites|Y
- for RCRA Corrective Action:|Cleanup||||false|true|false|false|false|false|||sites|Y
- for Superfund:|Cleanup||||false|false|true|false|false|false|||sites|Y
- for Recovery Act:|Cleanup||||false|false|false|true|false|false|||sites|Y
- for Federal Facilities:|Cleanup||||false|false|false|false|true|false|||sites|Y
- for Federal Facility Docket Facilities:|Cleanup||||false|false|true|false|false|false|||sites|Y|true
where "SITE_NAME" is at least part of the name of the property, site, or facility in CIMC that you want to show on the CIMC map.
Site Maps Using Site Identification Number
To bring up the CIMC Map, focused on a particular cleanup location, using the program ID, use the following format for your URL:
- for Brownfields (BF_PROPERTY_ID):|SITE_ID
- for RCRA Corrective Action (RCRA_HANDLER_ID):|SITE_ID
- for Superfund (SF_SITE_ID):|SITE_ID
where "SITE_ID" is the Brownfields Property ID, RCRA Handler ID or Superfund Site ID for the site you want to show on the CIMC map. (If you do not already know the ID for your site of interest, you can use CIMC to locate it and then drill down to the RCRA or Superfund profile where the ID is displayed.)
Site Profiles Using Site Identification Numbers
To bring up the cleanup progress profile for a particular cleanup location, using the program ID, use the following format for your URL:
- for Brownfields (BF_PROPERTY_ID):
- for RCRA Corrective Action (RCRA_HANDLER_ID):
- for Superfund (SF_SITE_ID):
where "SITE_ID" is the Brownfields Property ID, RCRA Handler ID or Superfund Site ID for the site you want. (If you do not already know the ID for your site of interest, you can use CIMC to locate it and then drill down to the RCRA or Superfund profile where the ID is displayed.)
Brownfields Grant Maps Using Grant Identification Numbers
To bring up the CIMC Map, focused on a particular Brownfields grant jurisdiction, using the Grant ID, use the following format for your URL:
where NNNNNNNN is the Brownfields Grant ID.