Cleanup Science and Technology
EPA uses many tools to assess, conduct and monitor cleanups. Some of these are innovative while others have been in use for a long time. This list provides links to information about these cleanup tools.
- CLU-IN is EPA’s Contaminated Site Clean-up Information, providing information about innovative treatment technologies. CLU-IN describes programs, organizations, publications and other tools for all waste remediation stakeholders.
- Vendor Directory can be searched by vendor name, technology category, contaminant, media, and site type to find contact information as well as technology and services provided by remediation and characterization technology vendors. It contains limited technology vendor information that used to be in the REACH IT (Remediation and Characterization Technology) system, and is updated quarterly.
- Superfund Remediation Technologies
- Superfund Site Characterization includes guidance on both remedial investigation and feasibility studies to determine cleanup remedies
- Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Corrective Action Resources
- Land, Waste and Cleanup Topics