An official website of the United States government.

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Climate Change and Water Partner Organizations

The Alliance for Climate Education (ACE) is a national leader in high school climate science education. ACE is dedicated to educating America's high school students about the science behind climate change and inspiring them to take action while having fun.

This site aims to build a shared knowledge base for managing natural and built systems in the face of climate change. It also intends to build an innovative community of practice. CAKE builds an interactive online platform, creates a directory of practitioners to share knowledge, and identifies and explains climate data tools and information. 

The Georgetown Climate Center seeks to advance effective climate, energy, and transportation policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help communities adapt to climate change. The Center works with government officials, academics, and an array of stakeholders to strengthen state and federal climate partnerships.    

This site provides information and resources tailored to helping native people gain a better understanding of climate change and its impacts on their communities. The site offers training, education materials, and a variety of other resources.

The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) is an independent scientific research organization focused on wastewater and stormwater issues. Subscribers include wastewater treatment plants, stormwater utilities, and regulatory agencies, industry, equipment companies, engineers and environmental consultants also lend their support and expertise.

The Water Research Foundation is a leader in water research and dedicated to advancing the science of water by sponsoring cutting-edge research and promoting collaboration. The Foundation’s research provides industry insights and practical solutions to complex challenges facing the water community.

The Water Utility Climate Alliance is dedicated to collaborating on climate change issues affecting drinking water utilities. By enhancing climate change research and developing adaptation strategies, water utilities will be positioned to respond to climate change and protect our water supplies.