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EPA Center for Corporate Climate Leadership

2017 Climate Leadership Awards: A Webinar Review of Categories, Eligibility, Criteria, and the Application Process

Tuesday, June 21, 2016
2:00 PM-3:30 PM ET

The 2017 Climate Leadership Awards application period will open on June 22, 2016. In this informative webinar, organizers will discuss what's new this year and how your organization can be a competitive applicant for this prestigious recognition program. EPA and its NGO partners — The Climate Registry and Center for Climate and Energy Solutions — will provide critical information related to eligibility, evaluation criteria, and application content for each of the award categories, as well as answer questions.


  • Chelsea Hasenauer, Program Associate, Technical Services, The Climate Registry
  • Tim Juliani, Senior Director, Business Strategy & Partnerships, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
  • Melissa Klein, Communications Lead, Center for Corporate Climate Leadership, U.S. EPA

Climate Leadership Award recipients are recognized for demonstrating exemplary leadership in response to climate change. To view past recipients, please visit