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Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling System (CMAQ)

CMAQ Publications and Peer Review


Peer-reviewed research by CMAQ team members is listed here.

The number of publications using CMAQ has grown significantly since 2000. Below is a chart that tracks publications containing the phrase "Community Multiscale Air Quality" over time, based on Google Scholar search results.

Bar chart of number of CMAQ publications between 2000 and 2019.

The figure above shows the distribution of CMAQ publications per co-authoring country. Publications are counted for an institution if at least one of the article’s authors lists that country as his/her affiliated institution’s address. Calculated using the Web of Science Countries feature. Key: United States (101), China (71), Japan (10), South Korea (10), all other countries (7 and below). 

External Review of the CMAQ System

Panels of U.S. and international experts in atmospheric science are convened periodically to peer review new CMAQ versions.  The panel’s findings are released to the public along with the software to promote the software’s sound scientific use.  Members of the peer review panel are selected based on their expertise in accordance with the focus of the review session.  After reviewing numerous reports and articles and completing their three-day meeting in Research Triangle Park, N.C., the review panel prepares a comprehensive report on their findings and recommendations. EPA then responds to the comments of the reviewers. Final review reports are posted below.