Frequent Questions about Implementing the Final Rule Regulating the Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR)
Amendments to the 2015 final rule have been finalized that may affect these frequent questions. Additionally, these frequent questions have not been updated since Congress passed the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act that paves the way for state coal ash permit programs. Please refer to the following rulemakings and the WIIN Act for more information:
- Extension of Compliance Deadlines and Response to Partial Vacatur
- Amendments to the National Minimum Criteria Finalized in 2018 (Phase One, Part One)
- Final Rule - A Holistic Approach to Closure Part A: Deadline to Initiate Closure and Enhancing Public Access to Information
- State CCR permit programs and the WIIN Act
EPA received many questions about implementing the 2015 final CCR disposal rule. The questions and responses are organized into categories similar to the sections of the CCR regulatory requirements and are listed below:
- Scope and purpose
- Beneficial use
- Effective date
- Applicability of other regulations (including tribal issues)
- Definitions
- Locations restrictions
- Design criteria
- Groundwater monitoring and corrective action
- Closure and post-closure care
- Implementation and solid waste management plans
Want to look at all of the 2015 final rule implementation questions at once? Check out the complete list in PDF format.