EPA's eDisclosure Public Outreach
EPA Held Webinars on eDisclosure, the Agency’s System to Modernize the Implementation of the Audit Policy and the Small Business Compliance Policy
EPA held webinars on June 10 and June 15, 2015 to describe its plan to modernize the implementation of its Audit Policy and Small Business Compliance Policy. The plan is called eDisclosure – a new centralized, web-based system for more efficiently receiving and processing violations disclosed to EPA under these policies. Issued in 2000, these policies offer penalty mitigation and other incentives for companies that discover, promptly disclose and expeditiously correct environmental violations, and take steps to prevent future violations.
What Was the Purpose of the Webinars?
- To present EPA’s plan to streamline how disclosures are submitted and processed to save transaction costs, increase efficiency, and provide quicker responses;
- To answer questions from the public on how eDisclosure will be designed and implemented; and
- To provide an opportunity for interested stakeholders to share their views on this modernized approach.
Who Attended?
- Over 300 attendees
- Regulated entities and their representatives with an interest in the implementation of the Audit Policy and the Small Business Compliance Policy
- Others interested in EPA’s policies to encourage self-policing and the disclosure, correction and prevention of environmental violations
- Federal, state and local government officials
For More Information:
- eDisclosure June 10 Webinar Recording (June 2015) – an audio and video recording of the presentation and question and answer portion of the webinar
- eDisclosure June 15 Webinar Recording (June 2015) – an audio and video recording of the presentation and question and answer portion of the webinar
- eDisclosure Webinar Presentation(30 pp, 1M, About PDF) (June 10 and June 15, 2015)