- permit writers
- affected facilities
- other interested stakeholders.
These documents do not change or substitute for any legal requirements. EPA has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of these documents.
The obligations of the regulated community are determined by the relevant statutes, regulations, or other legally binding requirements. In the event of a conflict between these documents and any regulation, these documents would not be controlling.
EPA may decide to revise these documents or provide additional supporting documents without public notice to reflect changes in the Agency's approach to implementing the regulations.
- Existing 316b Facilities with ESA Data (spreadsheet)(2 MB,
September 2015)
List of 891 cooling water intake facilities that have been spatially overlaid with designated critical habitat or habitat range for species listed under the Endangered Species Act. The "overlap" table is intended to be a first-step resource to help determine which threatened and endangered species may be present in the vicinity of cooling water intakes. EPA plans to update these tables periodically. - 316(b) Power Plants and Manufacturers with Cooling Towers (spreadsheet)(33 K,
List of 891 facilities that utilize one or more cooling towers. - Word Version of 316(b) Existing Facilities Final Rule Language (docx)(28 pp, 74 K,
August 25, 2014)
Free Viewers
Memorandum to EPA Regional Water Division Directors (PDF)(3 pp, 287 K,
January 13, 2021)
Memo transmitting a framework for Best Professional Judgment for NPDES permits for cooling water intake structures at existing hydroelectric facilities
Framework for Considering Existing Hydroelectric Facility Technologies in Establishing Case-by-Case Best Professional Judgement 316(b) NPDES Permit Conditions (PDF)(4 pp, 161 K,
January 2021)
A description for how permit writers can develop BPJ permit limits for cooling water intake structures at existing hydroelectric facilities
Partial List of Facilities Subject to Clean Water Act § 316(b) (PDF)(23 pp, 5 MB,
October 2010)
List of industrial facilities subject to cooling water intake regulations
Cooling Water Intakes - ESA Instructional Memo (PDF)(11 pp, 450 K,
December 11, 2014)
Memorandum to EPA Regional Water Division Directors. Regulations for Cooling Water Intake Structures at Existing Facilities - NPDES Permit Procedures - Threatened & Endangered Species; Designated Critical Habitat.