Revised per the June 18, 2020 OMB Guidance.
Yes, the June 18, 2020 OMB Guidance (PDF) provides:
Awarding agencies, in their capacity as cognizant or oversight agencies for audit, may allow recipients and subrecipients that have not yet filed their single audits with the Federal Audit Clearinghouse as of March 19, 2020 that have normal due dates from March 30, 2020 through June 30, 2020 to delay the completion and submission of the Single Audit reporting package, as required under Subpart F of 2 CFR § 200.501 - Audit Requirements, up to six (6) months beyond the normal due date. Audits with normal due dates from July 31, 2020 through September 30, 2020 will have an extension up to three (3) months beyond the normal due date. No further action by awarding agencies is required to enact this extension. This extension does not require individual recipients and subrecipients to seek approval for the extension by the cognizant or oversight agency for audit; however, recipients and subrecipients should maintain documentation of the reason for the delayed filing. Recipients and subrecipients taking advantage of this extension would still qualify as a "low-risk auditee" under the criteria of 2 CFR § 200.520 (a) - Criteria for a low-risk auditee.
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