Lesson 3: Attorney General (AG) Certification

The AG Certification is a letter confirming legal authority to implement the electronic reporting covered by the application and enforce the affected programs using the electronic documents received under those programs.
- For states, the AG, or his or her designee, must sign the certification letter.
- For tribes and local governments, the chief administrative official or officer (CAO), or his or her designee, must sign the certification letter.
- In either case, letters signed by a designee must explicitly state that this individual has delegated authority from the AG (or CAO) to sign the certification letter.
The certification must include copies of all state, tribal, or local statutes and regulations relevant to the application. EPA suggests also including a description specifically linking applicable portions of 40 CFR Part 3 to relevant portions of the state, tribe, or locality's statutes and regulations to facilitate EPAs review.
Many state applicants do not need to submit a legal certification
Many states already have approved, broadly application CROMERR Attorney General certifications.
See: Status of Attorney General certifications received from states