Typical CROMERR applications include a minimum of three components, which are listed below. The first component, the Cover Sheet, is not listed on the previous page as a required element; however, it represents a best practice for organizing basic application information. The other two application components directly reflect CROMERR-required elements.
Select each application component below.
These application components are described in greater detail in the following pages.
Note that EPA offers a number of tools and templates to help states develop these application components. These tools and templates are described in greater detail in later lessons.
Cover Sheet
The Cover Sheet captures basic contact and program information and identifies the programs to be modified or revised by EPA approval of the application, along with the associated reports and systems.
AG Certification
As previously described, the AG Certification demonstrates that the state has sufficient legal authority to enforce the program using e-reports as described in § 3.2000(c).
System Description(s)
The System Description(s) component demonstrates that systems used to receive e-reports meet the CROMERR standards included in § 3.2000(b), and provide for e-signatures (or follow-on paper signatures) that meet the requirements of § 3.2000(a). This component also documents any anticipated system upgrades that will affect conformance with the CROMERR standards.
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