Lesson 8: Four Critical Roadmap Items
Lesson 8 focuses on four CROMERR System Checklist items that are closely related to the two key decisions discussed in Lesson 7, namely:
- Item 3: Issuance (or Registration) of a Signing Credential in a Way that Protects it from Compromise
To reference the key decisions discussed in Lesson 7, see: Lesson 7: From Requirements to Specific Solutions
- Item 5: Binding of Signatures to Document Content
To reference the key decisions discussed in Lesson 7, see: Lesson 7: Key Decision 1 - Type of Credential Used and Lesson 7: Key Decision 1 - Type of Credential Used (continued)
- Item 13: Credential Validation
To reference the key decisions discussed in Lesson 7, see: Lesson 7: Key Decision 1 - Type of Credential Used and Lesson 7: Key Decision 1 - Type of Credential Used (continued)
- Item 18: Creation of COR
To reference the key decisions discussed in Lesson 7, see: Lesson 7: Key Decision 2 - Defining the Copy of Record (COR)
These four Roadmap items are especially important to assuring both that:
- CORs maintained by your system truly represent what was submitted
- Any associated electronic signatures can be proved to be authentic
For each of these items, Lesson 8 provides both:
- General advice on how they can be addressed
- Specific examples of successful solutions drawn from already approved applications