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CSAPR Compliance Year 2019 NUSA NODAs

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February 12, 2020 - Round 2 Final NODA for 2019 Allowance Allocations: New Units for All CSAPR Programs

EPA issued a final Notice of Data Availability, as required by CSAPR, that lists new units that receive a “2nd Round” 2019 CSAPR NOX Annual, NOX Ozone Season, or SO2 allowance allocation and allocation amounts. It also details 2019 allowance allocations to CSAPR existing units in states in which the new unit set-asides for 2019 for those CSAPR Trading Programs were undersubscribed.

December 9, 2019 - Round 2 Preliminary NODA for 2019 Allowance Allocations: New Units for All CSAPR Programs

EPA issued a preliminary Notice of Data Availability, as required by CSAPR, that lists new units eligible for a "2nd Round" 2019 CSAPR NOX Annual, NOX Ozone Season, or SO2 allowance allocation.

July 23, 2019 - Round 1 Final NODA for 2019 Allowance Allocations: New Units for All CSAPR Programs

EPA issued a final Notice of Data Availability, as required by CSAPR, that lists new units that receive a "1st Round" 2019 CSAPR NOX Annual, NOX Ozone Season, or SO2 allowance allocation and allocation amounts.

May 28, 2019 - Round 1 Preliminary NODA for 2019 Allowance Allocations: New Units for All CSAPR Programs

EPA issued a preliminary Notice of Data Availability, as required by CSAPR, that lists new units eligible for a "1st Round" 2019 CSAPR NOx Annual, NOX Ozone Season, or SO2 allowance allocation and allocation amounts.

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