EPA is proposing technical adjustments to the final Cross‐State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR). CSAPR is a sound, achievable, market‐based program that will deliver strong public health protections. No changes are being proposed or contemplated to the core elements of the program. The proposed revisions will not affect the significant air quality improvements slated to occur under CSAPR, nor have a major impact on CSAPR’s goal to reduce interstate transport of pollution to help downwind states in their efforts to attain and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Instead, these revisions provide important technical adjustments that will promote the development of allowance market liquidity and smooth the transition from the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) programs to the CSAPR programs starting in 2012. The revisions reflect new information with technical merit that was brought to the EPA by stakeholders from a small number of units after the final CSAPR was published.
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