- Memo-US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and EPA Coordination on Geographic Jurisdiction under CWA 404
- Feb 2007 Memo-Approval of EPA R6 Requested Special Case Designations for JD NWK-2007-1410; NWK-2006-1014; NWK-2007-808; and disapproval NWK-2007-1717
- Memorandum: Action items from the joint Department of the Army and EPA memorandum dated 08 July 2015, Paragraph 3, “Improving the Permit Process”
- Memorandum: Coordination between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Geographic Jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)
- Memorandum: Region VII Policy Special Case Regarding First-Order Ephemeral Streams in Kansas City District Office
- Memorandum: Revision to Delegation of Authority 2-43, Section 404 Dredged and Fill Material Permitting
- Scope of Waters of the US following the Supreme Court Decision in SWANCC (EPA-HQ-OW-2007-0801-0002) - Legal Memorandum
- Source: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=EPA-HQ-OW-2007-0801-0002
- Transmittal of Department of the Army Memo on “Decision in National Mining Association et al. v. Jackson et al.”
- WORKING AGREEMENT: US Coast Guard, COE, EPA, FWS, NOAA, FHWA To Coordinate and Improve Planning, Project Development, and the NEPA Review and Permitting for Major Infrastructure Projects Requiring the Preparation of an EIS
- Source: https://www.environment.fhwa.dot.gov/nepa/documents/working_agreement_2-22-18.pdf
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Region 7 - Jurisdictional Determinations-CWA 404 (PDF)(2 pp, 52 K,
February 7, 2008)
• Feb 2007 Memo-Approval of EPA R7 Requested Special Case Designations for JD NWK-2007-1410; NWK-2006-1014; NWK-2007-808; and disapproval NWK-2007-1717
National Mining Association vs Administrator Jackson (PDF)(5 pp, 1 MB,
November 2011)
• Transmittal of Department of the Army Memo on “Decision in National Mining Association et al. v. Jackson et al.”
USACE-EPA Geographic Jurisdiction CWA 404 (PDF)(3 pp, 480 K,
December 21, 2016)
• Memorandum: Coordination between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Geographic Jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)
Pruitt CWA 404 Dredged and Fill Material Permitting (PDF)(4 pp, 150 K,
March 30, 2018)
Revision to Delegation of Authority 2-43, Section 404 Dredged and Fill Material Permitting
USACE-EPA Memo Improving the Permit Process (PDF)(7 pp, 214 K,
December 21, 2016)
Action Items from the Joint Department of the Army and EPA Memorandum dated 08 July 2015, Paragraph 3, Improving the Permit Process