On May 10, 2017, the Assumable Waters Subcommittee presented its recommendations to National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) regarding how EPA could clarify for which waters a state or tribe may assume Clean Water At Section 404 permitting authority and for which waters the USACE retains this permitting authority.
NACEPT accepted the report submitted by the subcommittee in its entirety and transmitted it along with a cover letter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt on June 2nd, 2017.
Attached below are the power point presented to the full NACEPT committee, the final report submitted to NACEPT and the NACEPT's memo transmitting the final report to the Administrator.
Please Note: If a document is not accessible to you and you need a reasonable accommodation, please contact the subcommittee's Designated Federal Official, Mr. Jake Strickler at strickler.jacob@epa.gov and we will work with you.
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Presentation to NACEPT (PDF)(44 pp, 1 MB,
May 10, 2017)
Presentation by Ms. Laureen Boles, NACEPT liaison and Mr. Patrick Field with Consensus Building Institute on behalf of the Subcommittee members.
NACEPT's transmittal letter of Subcommittee Recommendations Report to Administrator Pruitt (PDF)(3 pp, 146 K)
This is the transmittal memo NACEPT sent to Administrator Pruitt transmitting the Assumable Waters Subcommittee's report and recomendations.
Assumable Waters Subcommittee Final Report (CWA 404(g)) (PDF)(72 pp, 23 MB,
May 10, 2017)
This report summarizes the deliberations and recommendations of NACEPT's Assumable Waters Subcommittee regarding how EPA might clarify which waters a state or tribe assumes CWA 404 permitting for and which the USACE retains CWA 404 permitting for.