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Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF): Centralized Wastewater Treatment

The CWSRF can provide financial assistance for publicly owned, centralized wastewater treatment projects, including:

  • Primary and secondary treatment;
  • Advanced treatment;
  • Sewer system repair and replacement;
  • CSO correction;
  • Resilience to extreme weather events; and
  • Security.

This activity update describes the wide range of eligible activities that help communities become resilient, as well as how states are implementing and encouraging more projects that promote system resiliency. Successful resiliency projects are included from New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Oklahoma. The paper discusses the EPA and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Memorandum of Understanding of June 2019 that establishes a framework for EPA funded SRF programs to assist and collaborate with FEMA disaster assistance grant programs.

Success Story

Value-Focused Approach to Improving Water Quality: Albany-Millersburg Talking Water Gardens
To meet new total maximum daily load requirements, the cities of Albany and Millersburg in Oregon worked together to design and fund a project that addresses wastewater treatment from a natural hydrological perspective. The Talking Water Gardens project involved creating 37 acres of constructed wetlands and was partially funded through $8 million received through the Oregon CWSRF.

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