Fuels Regulatory Streamlining
EPA is streamlining its existing fuels regulations under 40 CFR part 80. The purpose of this effort is to update EPA's existing gasoline, diesel, and other fuels regulations to help reduce compliance costs for stakeholders as well as EPA, while improving overall compliance assurance and maintaining environmental performance.
Final Rulemaking: Streamlining and Consolidating of Existing Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Programs
This action streamlines and modernizes EPA's existing fuels regulations. The purpose of this effort is to update EPA's existing gasoline, diesel, and other fuel quality regulations to help reduce compliance costs for industry as well as EPA, while improving overall compliance assurance and maintaining environmental performance.
More information on the final rule can be found here.
More information on the proposed rule can be found here.
Discussion Draft Regulations
For the Fuels Regulatory Streamlining Public Workshop EPA released staff-level, working draft regulations, as an initial step in the process of developing regulations and solely as a discussion draft to foster discussion and information exchange at the Public Workshop. Following the Public Workshop, EPA has received additional comment and feedback, and revised discussion drafts are posted below.
- Changes from the December 2019 Discussion Draft Regulations (PDF) (213 pp, 2 MB, April 2020, EPA-420-D-20-002)
- December 2019 Fuels Regulatory Streamlining Discussion Draft Regulations (PDF) (192 pp, 1.08 MB, December 2019, EPA-420-D-19-005)
- April 2019 Fuels Regulatory Streamlining Discussion Draft Regulations (PDF) (185 pp, 1.98 MB, EPA-420-D-19-001, April 2019)
- July 2018 Fuels Regulatory Streamlining Discussion Draft Regulations (PDF) (174 pp, 3 MB, EPA-420-D-18-002, July 2018)
- May 2018 Fuels Regulatory Streamlining Discussion Draft Regulations (PDF) (186 pp, 1.2 MB, EPA-420-D-18-001, May 2018)
Public Workshop
EPA will hold a virtual public workshop on December 9-10, 2020