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Building the Capacity of Drinking Water Systems


State Agencies Supporting Water System Partnerships

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

State Policies and Programs Regarding Water System Partnerships


The consolidation and regionalization of small PWSs is a long term goal of the Ohio DWSRF program. Consequently, “projects that provide the potential for consolidation” are awarded 10 points to the priority ranking score (Drinking Water Assistance Fund: Draft Program Management and Intended Use Plan). When the project involves consolidating more than two systems, another 10 points are added for each additional system. Ohio also offers substantial principal forgiveness (up to 50%) to systems, which have already demonstrated capability, when they regionalize smaller, less capable systems.


Ohio EPA maintains a list of Contract Operators on their website. These contract operators are available to for the operation and treatment of PWSs, and when contracted become the “operator of record” at each water system.


Utilities may sign the OH Water-Wastewater Agency Response Network (OHWARN) mutual aid agreement to facilitate the exchange of staff, resources and equipment between water systems in the event of an emergency. The network of participating systems can help streamline access to needed help, foster mutually beneficial relationships between participating utilities, and protect public health.

Helpful Links to State Resources