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Drinking Water Requirements for States and Public Water Systems

Diving Into Regulations

In-Depth Analysis of Drinking Water Rule Implementation

On this page:

In-Depth Analysis Overview

The goal of an in-depth analysis of drinking water rule implementation, also known as an In-Depth Analysis, is to review specific regulations to improve how public water systems comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and protect public health. These national efforts are strategic in scope and are conducted as joint efforts between EPA and the states. EPA and the states work together to:

  • Identify SDWA implementation challenges and best practices,
  • Develop tools and resources to address challenges, and
  • Improve SDWA compliance.​

In-Depth Analysis: Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule and Consecutive Systems Challenge

The highest number of health-based violations for community water systems (CWSs), in 2017 was the Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (DBPR).

As shown in the figure, more than half of CWSs in violation were consecutive systems.""

As part of this collaborative oversight effort, EPA worked with five volunteer state partners to conduct an In-Depth Analysis. These volunteer states were:

  • Indiana,
  • Kentucky,
  • New Jersey,
  • North Dakota, and
  • Pennsylvania.

Through the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators, EPA also received feedback from 32 other states.

View additional drinking water rule regulations

In-Depth Analysis Final Report

Stage 2 DBPR and Consecutive System Compliance Challenges

These materials summarize the In-Depth Analysis the EPA conducted on the Stage 2 DBPR implementation challenges at consecutive water systems.

The goal of this report is to understand this compliance challenge and identify and share state best practices to better enhance national implementation of the SDWA.