Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR) Meetings and Materials
UCMR 5 meetings
UCMR 5 proposal public webinars – 2021
EPA will host two identical virtual meetings (via webinar) in 2021, to discuss the proposed UCMR 5. The meeting scope will include proposed monitoring requirements, analyte selection, analytical methods, laboratory approval process, and ground water representative monitoring plans (GWRMPs). EPA will provide additional information once the proposal is published in the Federal Register.
Approach to UCMR 5 - July 2019
EPA hosted a public meeting and webinar in July 2019 in Cincinnati, Ohio to discuss potential approaches to developing the proposal for UCMR 5 and allow for early stakeholder engagement.
40 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40) Part 141 - Public Meeting and Webinar: Development of the Fifth Proposed Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 5) for Public Water Systems (PDF)(2 pp, 253 K, About PDF)
UCMR 4 meetings
UCMR 4 training webinars for the Safe Drinking Water Accession and Review System (SDWARS) – November 2017
EPA hosted two webinars in November 2017 to provide step-by-step instructions on how to use SDWARS 4 for public water systems (PWS) and laboratories. Along with a general introduction to the UCMR program, EPA discussed how PWS’s can add contacts and nominate users, edit schedules, add and edit inventory, input additional data elements, and review analytical results. EPA also discussed how laboratories can register their client list, review inventory and schedule of clients, upload files, enter and review data, and nominate users.
UCMR 4 public meeting and webinar for the final rule – April 2017
EPA hosted a public meeting and webinar in April 2017 in Washington, DC to present a comprehensive overview of the UCMR 4 program for public water systems (PWSs), states, laboratories, and other stakeholders. Along with a general introduction to the UCMR program, EPA discussed the contaminants to be monitored, those PWSs subject to UCMR 4, the monitoring and reporting requirements, and the laboratory approval process.
UCMR 4 webinar for proposal - January 2016
EPA hosted a webinar in January 2016 to discuss the proposed UCMR 4 monitoring requirements, analyte selection and rationales, analytical methods, laboratory approval process and other aspects of the proposed rule.
Approach to UCMR 4 - June 2014
EPA hosted a public meeting and webinar in June 2014 in Arlington, Virginia, to discuss the anticipated approach to UCMR 4 for public drinking water systems and allow for early stakeholder engagement.
Methods in development - May 2013
EPA hosted a public meeting and webinar in May 2013 in Cincinnati, Ohio, to describe methods in development for Contaminant Candidate List (CCL) analytes and other priority contaminants.