An official website of the United States government.

This is not the current EPA website. To navigate to the current EPA website, please go to This website is historical material reflecting the EPA website as it existed on January 19, 2021. This website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. More information »

E-Enterprise for the Environment

E-Enterprise Portal

On December 31, 2020, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and E-Enterprise partners will decommission the E-Enterprise for the Environment Portal  We would like to thank our state and tribal partners for working collaboratively on this effort.   Information that was accesible from the portal can be found on the links identified below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Portal Decommissioning

For users of Lead My Certifications, you will receive your certification materials by CDX Inbox message. For more information, visit

For users of Regulation Finder, this functionality is being relocated and a new url will be provided.

For users of Be Well Informed, this functionality is being transferred to the Environmental Council of the States (ECOS). A new URL will be provided.

For users of Permit Lookup, this functionality is being transferred to a new location and an URL will be provided.

Starting January 1, 2021, questions should be directed to the specific contact information for each tool noted above accessed through the links provided above or refer to the list of Frequently Asked Questions