Phase 1: Short Term Wins
After a successful scoping phase, the CAER team identified “short term win” projects to move the overall effort of CAER forward in ways that both meet short term needs and support the larger goals and expected outcomes of this project.
Implementation Plan
In this phase we will begin the technical implementation of the proposed future state as identified in the implementation planning for the Combined Air Emissions Reporting (CAER) project.
Harmonization of Cross-Program Code Tables, Data Elements
The Harmonization of Cross-Program Codes Tables, Data Elements project is comparing and harmonizing code tables across multiple emissions inventory development programs. As a result of this project, the CAER team will learn how we could reduce and eliminate differences of shared code sets, which will help streamline data sharing for state/local/tribal air agencies, the EPA, and facilities.
National Emission Inventory Data Augmentation Reduction
The NEI Data Augmentation Reduction project is working to reduce NEI augmentation and the associated time that the EPA needs to augment state/local and tribal (SLT) submitted data. A group of SLT air agencies is working with the EPA to define all data criteria which SLT submittals must meet. This will minimize, and could eventually eliminate, the need for EPA augmentation.
Source Classification Code (SCC) Web Access
SCC codes describe emissions processes and a critical part of compiling and sharing air emissions inventories. The SCC Web Access project is developing new ways for anyone (EPA, state/local/tribal air agencies, facility, or public) to access the most updated list of SCCs through web services and other mechanisms.
Improvements to WebFIRE
WebFIRE is the EPA’s official repository of emissions factors and compliance source test data. The WebFIRE Enhancements project will allow users (EPA, other air agencies, facilities, and the public) to search for source test data in WebFIRE using expanded criteria and to download all resulting test data as a single report.