e-Manifest User Fees and Payment Information
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Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021 User Fees and Frequent Questions
The table below lists the user fees for fiscal years 2020 and 2021 (October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2021) for the e-Manifest system. These user fees are set based on the manifest usage and processing costs for each manifest type. Please note, beginning June 30, 2021, EPA will no longer accept mailed paper manifest. Instead receiving facilities must submit paper manifest as either a scanned image upload or data plus image upload.
EPA encourages the hazardous waste industry to adopt fully electronic manifesting as soon as possible so that industry members can take maximum advantage of the benefits and cost savings of electronic manifesting. However, EPA acknowledges that it will take time for industry to fully transition to electronic manifests. EPA supports wide adoption of electronic manifesting by the regulated community as soon as it’s feasible.
Manifest Submission Type | Fee per Manifest |
Mailed in Paper Manifest | $25.00 |
Scanned Image Upload | $20.00 |
Data + Image Upload | $14.00 |
Electronic Manifest (Fully Electronic & Hybrid) | $8.00 |
Who pays user fees?
EPA charges user fees to receiving facilities for each manifest submitted. The amount of the user fee is based on how the receiving facilities submit the manifest to EPA (e.g., electronic or paper). EPA is not charging user fees to generators, transporters, or brokers.
When will these fees be in effect?
The user fees for fiscal years 2020 and 2021 listed above will be in effect on October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2021. Specifically, any manifest that originates (signed by the generator) on or after October 1, 2019, will be charged the fiscal years 2020 and 2021 user fee rate when submitted to the e-Manifest system by the receiving facility. Receiving facilities will see their first invoices reflecting the new rates starting in November 2019.
Why are the user fees for fiscal years 2020 and 2021 higher than the user fees for fiscal years 2018 and 2019?
EPA is setting user fees in accordance with its user fee calculation methodology in 40 CFR parts 264/265 subpart FF. Specifically, the user fees in this period are changing due to various factors, including changes in projected manifest usage rates as well as program costs during this period.
EPA received approximately 1 million fewer manifests in FY19 than it originally estimated when it determined the initial schedule of fees. This means that each individual manifest bears a larger proportion of the costs for operating the e-Manifest program. Also, EPA lacked an adequate revenue stream in the initial year of system launch and this has resulted in a significant paper manifest backlog, which needs to be addressed during this period. Lastly, EPA continues to respond to stakeholders’ requests for additional system features and enhancements to the system’s capability.
Is EPA doing anything to reduce user fees in the future?
Currently, 75 percent of all e-Manifest program costs are borne by processing paper manifests. The best way to reduce user fees in the future will be to accelerate use of electronic manifests. EPA is undertaking several efforts to do this, such as reducing the burden for user registration and electronic signatures for generators and transporters. EPA consulted the e-Manifest Advisory Board on this issue at its June 18-20, 2019 and April 14-16, 2020 meetings.
Past Fiscal Years 2018 and 2019 User Fees
The table below lists the user fees for fiscal years 2018 and 2019 (through September 30, 2019) for the e-Manifest system. These user fees are set based on the processing costs for each manifest type.
EPA encourages the hazardous waste industry to adopt fully electronic manifesting as soon as possible so that industry members can take maximum advantage of the benefits and cost savings of electronic manifesting. However, EPA acknowledges that it will take time for industry to fully transition to electronic manifests. EPA supports wide adoption of electronic manifesting by the regulated community as soon as it’s feasible.
Manifest Submission Type | Fee per Manifest |
Mailed in Paper Manifest | $15.00 |
Scanned Image Upload | $10.00 |
Data + Image Upload | $6.50 |
Electronic Manifest (Fully Electronic & Hybrid) | $5.00 |
How to Pay User Fees
Who pays user fees?
EPA charges user fees to receiving facilities for each manifest submitted. The amount of the user fee is based on how the receiving facilities submit the manifest to EPA (e.g., electronic or paper). EPA is not charging user fees to generators, transporters, or brokers.
Who can pay an invoice?
Receiving facility Site Managers will be able to receive and pay invoices for their particular site(s). These invoices cannot be forwarded to or paid by someone other than a Site Manager. If you represent a larger company where a specific financial person will be responsible for paying invoices across many facilities, please ensure that individual has Site Manager permissions in RCRAInfo. Each receiving facility Site Manager must pay monthly invoices, based on their manifest activity during the month prior.
How do you pay your bill?
Site Managers will receive a copy of their invoice electronically on the first day of the month after manifests were submitted to EPA. This invoice will summarize all of the manifests sent to the EPA and will also include data on all of the manifests that were submitted to EPA in the prior month.
Site Managers should pay their invoice in e-Manifest by clicking on the “Pay Bill” button. This will pull up a popup window that will allow you to make payments to Pay.Gov directly (previous guidance indicated you would need to register for an account with Pay.Gov directly, but you will now be able to pay your bill directly through e-Manifest). Acceptable electronic payment methods are commercial credit cards, commercial debit cards, and Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) debit cards. Only these electronic payments to the Treasury Department can be accepted – the EPA legally cannot accept or process any form of payment directed to us.
Late fees and sanctions for non-payment
You must pay your invoice within the calendar month it was received or you will start to accrue late fees. These fees include a monthly handling charge and a penalty for each month your bill remains unpaid. If your bill is unpaid after 120 days, it will be forwarded to the Treasury Department for collections and further action. Additionally, non-payment of your bill could subject your facility to enforcement action.