Labels and Logos
Education, Students, and Kids
Businesses and Communities
Car buying, insect repellents, sun exposure - every day we make choices that can affect our health and our environment. We’re here to help you find options that don’t compromise on safety or performance. Check out these labels and logos from our programs - each one helps you save money, reduce pollution, and protect your family.

When shopping for new appliances, look for the Energy Star label. Energy Star helps consumers identify energy-efficient products that save money, energy, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more.

Looking to replace your water fixtures? Watersense helps consumers identify products that use less water and save money on utility bills. Learn more.

Be safer at home and in the community. SaferChoice will help consumers and commercial buyers choose products with safer chemical ingredients without sacrificing quality or performance. Products with the Safer Choice label will be available in stores later this spring and summer. Learn more.

Feeling bugged? The Insect Repellent label helps those who spend time outdoors identify the effectiveness time for mosquitos or ticks. Products with the repellency awareness label are expected starting in 2016. Learn more.

Shopping for a new car? The Fuel Economy label helps buyers identify and compare the fuel efficiency of vehicles, whether it's gas, diesel, electric, or hybrid. Learn more.

The Air Quality Index lets you check how clean or polluted your air is today, and for any associated health concerns for people with lung or breathing problems. The higher the air quality index number, the higher levels of air pollution. Learn more.

Find a firm that is Lead-Safe certified by EPA for renovations on homes built before 1978. Protect yourself and your family from lead dust and debris. Learn more.

ReCYCLE your cell phone shows you how easy it is to recycle your cell phone properly, to reduce waste and possible pollution leaking into the environment. Learn more.

We're chasing leaks! Fix a Leak Week encourages homeowners to check plumbing fixtures and irrigation systems, fix the leaks, and save valuable water and money all year long. Household leaks waste over 1 trillion gallons of water annually. Learn more.

Planning ahead for a day outside? AirNow gives you forecasts, maps, and data for the air quality where you live and learn about the Air Quality Index. It’s available as an app or on the website. Learn more.

Avoid overexposure to the sun's damaging rays by checking the UV Index. The higher the number, the greater risk from sun overexposure. Learn more.

Use MyEnvironment to explore a wide variety of information about environmental conditions and pollution levels where you live. Learn more.

Indoor airPLUS helps home buyers find a home that is significantly more energy efficient than a home built to minimum code, helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more.

Burnwise is a reminder about the importance of burning the right wood, the right way, in the right wood-burning appliance to protect your home, health, and the air we breathe. Learn more.

Smokefree Homes is a reminder to protect children by making your home and car smoke free. Secondhand smoke causes thousands of children to be hospitalized each year. Learn more.

Read The Label first, before you buy, store, or use household cleaners or pesticide products. Keep all products out of the reach of pets and children. Learn more.

SepticSmart promotes proper septic system care and maintenance by homeowners, with information on how a septic system works and everyday tips on how to maintain a septic system. Learn more.

Recycling used motor oil is easy. Take used motor oil to a service station or other location that collects used motor oil for recycling. Learn more.

Healthy Heart helps raise awareness of heart disease and its link to air pollution and other environmental factors. Learn more.

Contact the National Pesticide Information Center for information about pesticide safety, ingredients, regulations, and other topics. Learn more.

Concerned about air quality? EnviroFlash is a system that sends e-mails about your daily air quality forecast. Being aware of air quality levels helps you take precautions to protect your family's health. Learn more.

If you see a possible violation of environmental laws and regulations, you can report it to EPA. Reporting is anonymous. Learn more.

The Air Quality Flag program is a way to create a public, highly visible alert about the local air quality forecast. Seeing the daily flag helps parents or organizations know when to take action to protect health, especially of those with asthma or other lung problems. Learn more.
Education, Students, and Kids
Programs for students and children help them learn about protecting their health and our environment while engaging them in fun, creative ways. The challenging award programs encourage students or teams to learn about environmental science and create ways to make a sustainable future. Our children’s activities help them understand the basics of pollution and learn to become good environmental stewards.

Got a great idea to help the planet? The P3 Competition is a competition for college students to design and build sustainable technologies that improve quality of life, promote economic development, and protect the environment. Learn more.

The President's Environmental Youth Award is awarded to young people for their environmental stewardship. The award promotes awareness of our nation's natural resources and encourages positive community involvement. Learn more.

The Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators recognizes outstanding K-12 teachers who employ innovative approaches to environmental education and use the environment as a context for learning for their students. Learn more.

The National Environmental Education Advisory Council (NEEAC) is comprised of representatives from organizations other than the federal government who provide EPA with advice on environmental education. Learn more.

Thirstin' helps teach kids the importance of clean drinking water and what they can do to help protect drinking water. Learn more.

Planet Protectors Club helps kids learn about recycling and things they can do to reduce, reuse, recycle. Learn more.
Businesses and Communities
We're working with businesses, communities, and other organizations to make a difference. Take a look at labels and logos from our programs that help groups protect our environment and save money. These programs help them become more efficient, from manufacturing processes to supply chains to energy usage.

Our Landfill Methane Outreach program helps businesses and communities capture methane emissions from landfills as an energy source. Learn more.

Our Smart Growth program helps communities plan to people’s health and our environment, create economic opportunities, and provide attractive and affordable neighborhoods. Learn more.

Our Green Power Partnership helps organizations and communities to use green power to reduce their environmental impact. Learn more.

Our SmartWay program helps companies ship and deliver goods more fuel efficiently to save money and reduce emissions that contribute to climate change. Learn more.

The Green Chemistry program encourages researchers to develop or improve chemical technologies that minimize environmental impacts. Learn more.

The GreenChill program helps grocery stores use refrigeration with less emissions that impact the ozone layer and contribute to climate change. Learn more.

AgSTAR works with farms to reduce methane emissions from livestock waste by promoting the use of biogas recovery. Learn more.

WasteWise helps organizations and businesses apply sustainable materials management practices to reduce waste. Learn more.

Our Responsible Appliance Disposal program helps retailers, manufacturers, utilities, and other organizations recover ozone-depleting chemicals from old refrigerators, freezers, window air conditioners, and dehumidifiers. Learn more.

Our Combined Heat and Power Partners program works with organizations to make electric power generation more efficient and reduce emissions. Learn more.

The Partnership for Sustainable Communities helps communities improve access to affordable housing, increased transportation options, and lower transportation costs while protecting our environment. Learn more.

Our Clean School Bus program helps communities reduce emissions from older diesel school buses by using clean diesel technology and reducing idling. Learn more.

Our Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program works with pesticide-users to promote pest control methods with the least hazards to people, property, and our environment. Learn more.

Using Environmental Compliance History Online you can look up facilities' compliance with environmental regulations and pollution sources, maps, and state performance. Learn more.

Our Coalbed Methane Outreach program helps the coal mining industry reduce methane emissions and promote the profitable recovery and use of coal mine methane. Learn more.

The Federal Green Challenge encourages U.S. federal agencies to reduce the Federal Government's environmental impact, by saving energy, reducing waste, buying green, and more. Learn more.

Our Climate-Ready Water Utilities program helps drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities to prepare for the impacts of climate change. Learn more.

The Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool helps utilities to assess climate change risks and plan to adapt. Learn more.

The Vulnerability Self-Assessment Tool helps water and wastewater utilities improve security and resiliency. Learn more.

Water Health and Economic Analysis Tool helps drinking water and wastewater utilities reduce risk. Learn more.

Our Air Sensor Toolbox has information and guidance on new low-cost, compact technologies for measuring air quality. Learn more.

Our Climate-Ready Estuaries program works with estuary and coastal communities to help them adapt to climate change. Learn more.

Our Compliance Assistance Centers help businesses and organizations understand and meet environmental requirements and save money through pollution prevention. Learn more.

Our SF6 Partnership works with the electric power industry to reduce sulfur hexaflouride (SF6) emissions. Learn more.

Natural GasSTAR encourages oil and natural gas companies to improve efficiency and reduce emissions of methane. Learn more.

The Underground Storage Tanks program works to prevent and clean up leaks from tanks and related pipes that store petroleum or certain hazardous substances. Learn more.

Our Water Contaminant Information Tool provides information on water contaminants water security officials, public health agencies, and water associations. Learn more.

Low Impact Development "Barrier Busted" fact sheets help planners work with the natural environment to manage stormwater close to its source. Learn more.

The Chesapeake Bay Program is a partnership of federal and state agencies, local governments, and other organizations working to restore and protect the bay. Learn more.

As a member of the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force we work with other federal agencies, states, and tribes in the Mississippi River basin to reduce and control hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Learn more.

Adopt Your Watershed encourages communities and individuals to take part in activities to protect and restore their local watershed. Learn more.

Materials Management Wizard includes tools and resources to help sustainable materials management and community planning. Learn more.