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Environmental Education (EE) in Action Webinar Series

EPA's Office of Environmental Education (OEE) periodically hosts webinars for the Environmental Education (EE) community as part of an initiative called Environmental Education in Action (EE in Action). These webinars showcase environmental education programs and resources, including grant projects funded by EPA.

Upcoming Webinars

There are no scheduled webinars at this time.  

Past Webinars

Exploring Environmental Mentoring
Mentoring relationships can have many positive benefits to both mentor and mentee. In this webinar, participants learned about how mentoring may enhance your environmental education work. Participants heard about the best practices and challenges from the EnvironMentors program, as well as tips for those interested in offering mentoring at their school, organization or institution.

Slides are available for this webinar.

Greening STEM: Taking Technology Outdoors

The National Environmental Education Foundation presented a webinar on Taking Technology Outdoors for National Environmental Education Week (EE Week) 2013. In this webinar, participants explored how technology can enhance environmental learning both inside and outside the classroom. EE Week highlighted the growing opportunity to engage today's students in learning about the environment with new technologies that enable scientific research and develop 21st century skills, including creativity, innovation, communication and collaboration.

A transcript and slides are available for this webinar.

Community-Based Environmental Education

EPA’s Environmental Education Grants Program awards funds to environmental education projects in a variety of settings, including community-based settings with audiences/students of all ages. In 2010, two community-based grants were awarded to two organizations in two very different parts of the country with very different environmental concerns. One of these grants went to the Island Institute in Rockland, ME, for their Energy for ME project in which students, teachers, and families are becoming leaders in the critical local energy debate by learning how to better understand their communities’ energy-consumption habits, as well as how to develop effective strategies to increase energy efficiency and renewable energy generation in their community. Another grant was awarded to Watershed Management Group in Tucson, AZ, for their Green Streets - Green Neighborhoods project, which built a base of knowledgeable and motivated citizens, many in underserved neighborhoods, who are now armed with the knowledge and skills to improve environmental conditions by having participated in the design, installation, and maintenance of green infrastructure practices. This webinar revisited how these two grantees chose an environmental issue important to the local community and educated residents in those communities to deal with the issue and live more sustainably in their environment.

A transcript and slides are available for this webinar.

The Great Outdoors as a Classroom: Urban Wilderness Canoe Adventures

In this webinar, learn more about an innovative EPA grant-funded project run by Minneapolis-based Wilderness Inquiry, Urban Wilderness Canoe Adventures takes academically underperforming middle-school students to study the Mississippi River from a canoe, discuss environmental issues, and participate in experiential classes that are extensions of topics being covered in traditional classroom lessons. To help students develop concrete ways of protecting the river and adjacent wetlands, teachers and students develop and execute a service learning project where the students assess how the community interacts with the river. Educators from the Minneapolis Public Schools and the National Park Service developed a curriculum for 5th through 8th grade students designed to build an understanding of the Mississippi River. 

A transcript and slides are available for this webinar.

What in the World Triggers Asthma? What Every School Should Know

Asthma is a serious, sometimes life-threatening chronic respiratory disease that affects the quality of life for almost 25 million Americans, including an estimated 7 million children. Although there is no cure for asthma yet, asthma can be controlled through medical treatment and management of environmental triggers. EPA is committed to educating all Americans about asthma so that everyone knows what asthma is, how the environment can affect asthma patients and how to manage environmental asthma triggers. In this webinar, learn about asthma triggers, how to prevent or avoid them, and what resources EPA offers to educate yourself and others on how to take action to reduce asthma attacks.

A transcript and slides are available for this webinar.

Environmental Education for Everyone: EPA's 'K through Grey' Educational Resources Webinar

EPA's Office of Environmental Education (OEE), has a wealth of information on educational resources that educators can use off the shelf in formal school classrooms and informal educational settings, or in development of a larger curriculum. OEE has programs for students of all ages - "K through Grey" - and this webinar walks you through some of the resources available on the OEE website.

A transcript and slides are available for this webinar.

Creating the Link Between Emerging Urban and Existing Environmental Education Programs Webinar

Many novel and vibrant EE initiatives are emerging in cities across the United States. However, these programs and more established environmental education (EE) efforts are often disconnected from each other. The webinar examined how recent urban EE approaches and established EE networks are coming together through the Expanding Capacity in Environmental Education (EECapacity) Project. Cornell University's Civic Ecology Laboratory manages the Project with funding from EPA.

A transcript and slides are available for this webinar.

Greening STEM: Environmental Resources and Tools for Inspiring 21st Century Learning Webinar

Recognizing the environment as a compelling portal for STEM learning, the nonprofit National Environmental Education Foundation celebrated National Environmental Education Week 2012 by providing resources and tools to help educators utilize the environment to engage their students in STEM. Webinar participants learned about NEEF's wide range of environmental education resources including free educator toolkits focused on incorporating STEM into popular environmental topics, as well as educator webinars, online standards-based curricula, lesson plans and hands-on lab activities.

A transcript and slides are available for this webinar.

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