National Environmental Education Advisory Council (NEEAC)
The National Environmental Education Advisory Council (NEEAC) is comprised of representatives from organizations other than the federal government who provide EPA with advice on environmental education. The Council provides EPA with a better understanding of the needs of schools, universities, state departments (of education and natural resources) and educational organizations.
Read about the current and most recent NEEAC members and the 2015 Report to the Administrator.
Upcoming Meetings
Members of the public wishing to gain access to the teleconference, make brief oral comments, or provide a written statement to the NEEAC must contact Javier Araujo, Designated Federal Officer, or 202-564-2642, by 10 business days prior to each regularly scheduled meeting.
Meeting Materials and Summaries
NEEAC held the most recent public teleconference on Monday, July 13, 2015, from 3:00 p.m. until 4:00. p.m EDT. See the Federal Register Notice for details.
View NEEAC's meeting and teleconference summaries from 2012 - 2015.
For further information, contact Javier Araujo, Designated Federal Officer,
NEEAC Charter
The NEEAC charter includes information on the estimated number of meetings, recordkeeping, operating costs, duties, objectives and scope of activities. Read the full text of the charter. The charter was last revised in November 2020.
- EPA’s solicitation, review and selection process for environmental education training and grant programs;
- the merits of individual proposal to operate the training program and the grant programs as requested by EPA; and
- other environmental education issues, including matters relating to activities, functions and policies of EPA under the National Environmental Education Act of 1990.