1977 Amendment
Subpart C: NSPS
- Final Rule (February 23, 1977)
- Proposed Rule (October 15, 1976)
1975 Amendment
- Final Rule (February 11, 1975)
- Proposed Rule (February 20, 1974)
1974 Initial Rulemaking
- Final Rule (February 20, 1974)
- Proposed Rule (September 7, 1973)
- Development Document (January 1974)
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- Cement Manufacturing Effluent Guidelines - Final Rule (PDF)(1 pg, 152 K, February 23, 1977, 42 FR 10681)
- Cement Manufacturing Effluent Guidelines - Proposed Rule (PDF)(2 pp, 351 K, October 15, 1976, 41 FR 45583)
- Cement Manufacturing Effluent Guidelines - Final Rule (PDF)(3 pp, 511 K, February 11, 1975, 40 CFR 6432)
- Cement Manufacturing Effluent Guidelines - Proposed Rule (PDF)(2 pp, 309 K, February 20, 1974, 39 FR 6595)
- Cement Manufacturing Effluent Guidelines - Final Rule (PDF)(5 pp, 764 K, February 20, 1974, 39 FR 6590)
- Cement Manufacturing Effluent Guidelines - Proposed Rule (PDF)(5 pp, 860 K, September 7, 1973, 38 FR 24462)
Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Cement Manufacturing Point Source Category (PDF)(126 pp, 3 MB,
January 1974,
Industry description, wastewater characterization, treatment technologies, regulatory compliance cost estimates and pollutant loadings for the final rule