Gum and Wood Chemicals Manufacturing Effluent Guidelines
EPA promulgated the Gum and Wood Chemicals Manufacturing Effluent Guidelines (40 CFR Part 454) in 1976. The regulation covers direct dischargersdirect dischargerA point source that discharges pollutants to waters of the United States, such as streams, lakes, or oceans.. The Effluent Guidelines are incorporated into NPDES permits.
What is the Gum and Wood Chemicals Manufacturing Industry?
The industry manufactures a variety of products from wood scraps, stumps, gum from live trees, and byproducts from wood pulp mills. The products include char and charcoal briquets, gum rosin, wood rosin, turpentine, pine oil, tall oil rosin, pitch, fatty acids, essential oils, and rosin-based derivatives.
The industry is included within North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) group 325191, Gum and Wood Chemical Manufacturing. The NAICS listing is provided as a guide and does not define the coverage of the Gum and Wood Chemicals Manufacturing category. For precise definitions of coverage, see the applicability sections in 40 CFR Part 454.
Wastestreams, Pollutants and Subcategories
The industry's principal wastestreams, which vary by subcategory, are product washing, solvent separators, equipment washing, crude tall oil acid treatment wash, rosin reactor condensate, and non-contact cooling water.
Regulated Pollutants
Effluent limitations vary by subcategory. Subpart A has a zero discharge requirement.
- BOD5
- pH
Regulation Subcategories
- Char and Charcoal Briquets
- Gum Rosin and Turpentine
- Wood Rosin, Turpentine, and Pine Oil
- Tall Oil Rosin, Pitch, and Fatty Acids
- Essential Oils
- Rosin-Based Derivatives
Rulemaking History
Documents, including:
Interim Final Rule (May 18, 1976)
Development Document (April 1976)
Industry description, wastewater characterization, treatment technologies, regulatory compliance cost estimates, and pollutant loadings for the final rule
Additional Information
For additional information regarding Gum and Wood Chemicals Manufacturing Effluent Guidelines, please contact Ahmar Siddiqui ( or 202-566-1044.