EMC Updates and General Resources
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- MTG and MPG Highlights 2019 (PDF) March 2019
- Revisions to Procedure 2 – Quality Assurance Requirements for Particulate Matter Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems at Stationary Sources
- Technical Amendments to Performance Specification 18 and Procedure 6
- Direct Final Rule (PDF) (6 pp, 217 K) - Federal Register - May 19, 2016
- Parallel Proposed Rule (PDF) (5 pp, 203 K) - Federal Register - May 19, 2016
- MTG and MPG Highlights - 2015/2016 (PDF) (10 pp, 138 K) March 2016
- MTG and MPG Highlights 2014 (PDF) (11 pp, 369 K) - April 2015
- Withdrawal of ALT-061 and ALT-087 (PDF)(2 pp, 114 K) - April 2014
- Revisions to Test Methods and Testing Regulations - February 2014
- Final Rule (PDF) (280 pp, 2 M)
- Fact Sheet (PDF) (1 p, 21 K)
- Highlights of EPA Test Method Activities 2013 (PDF) (11 pp, 117 K) - September 2013
- EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards - October 2012
- Highlights of EPA Test Method Activities 2011 (PDF) (9 pp, 124 K) - March 2011
- Highlights of EPA Test Method Activities 2010 (PDF) (10 pp, 53 K) - May 2010
- Summary of EPA Test Methods (Revised June 2009) (PDF)(10 pp, 26 K, - June 2009
- Highlights of EPA Test Method Activities 2009 (PDF) (15 pp, 54 K) - June 2009
- Modifications to Instrumental Methods Package (PDF) (8 pp, 183 K) - June 2008
- Letter to EPA from Mary A. Gade Regarding VOC measurements (PDF)(4 pp, 13 K) - December 2003
- Methods Status Table in Methods 98 - 06/19/98 (PDF)(29 pp, 154 K) - June 1998
- Subpart O - Ethylene Oxide Commercial Sterilization Memo (TXT)(4 K) - July 1997
- DTSC questionnaire standards for field activities (PDF)(3 pp, 17 K) - June 1997
- Calibration of Method 6 Metering Systems Using Critical Orifices (PDF)(8 pp, 78 K) - February 1996
- Stack Sampling Methods Discussion for Halogens and Halogen Acids (PDF)(9 pp, 50 K) - May 1996
- Guidance for Total Organics Final Report, EPA 600/R-96/033 (PDF)(75 pp, 174 K) - March 1996
- Acronym list for emission testing terms (TXT)(18 K) - 1995
- Subpart J CEMS Compliance Analysis (TXT)(9 K) - 1995
- Method 303 Bulletin regarding leak inspection (TXT)(1 K) - May 1995
- Gas Tracer Method - Fugitive Dust Emissions in PDF (ZIP)(186 K) - 1995
- Review of Methods for Measuring PM-10 in PDF (ZIP)(65 K) - 1994
- Subpart J CEMS Compliance Analysis (PDF)(4 pp, 18 K) - October 1992
- Privatization water/waste QA/QC samples, ORD memo (TXT)(3 K) - January 1991