Researcher Profiles
Researcher profile: Paul Lemieux EXIT Decontamination, and waste treatment and disposal expert
Researcher profile: Sang Don Lee EXIT Radiological fate and transport and decontamination expert
Researcher profile: Worth Calfee Biological decontamination, sampling and waste management expert
Research profile: Steve Clark Water security expert
Researcher profile: Terra Haxton Water distribution system computer simulation expert
Researcher profile: Lukas Oudejans Decontamination expert
Researcher Profile: Shawn Ryan Decontamination Program Director
Researcher Profile: Sarah Taft Sampling and analysis and exposure expert
Researcher Profile: Joe Wood Biological decontamination engineer
Researcher Profile: Robert Janke Computer modeling of water distribution systems
Researcher Profile: Jeff Szabo Water infrastructure security and decontamination
Researcher Profile: Stuart Willison Analytical chemistry and method development
Researcher Profile: Robin Conmy Oil Spills Research Exit
Researcher Profile: Helen Buse Microbiology of drinking water