Documents from late 2010 including Enbridge work plans submitted and U.S. EPA notices of approval or disapproval.
See also Enbridge Spill 2010 Sampling & Analysis Plan Supplements
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EPA Notice of Disapproval of Enbridge''s Aug. 29, 2010 submission - Sept. 2, 2010 (PDF)(5 pp, 754 K)
EPA disapproves the Supplement to Response Plan for Downstream Impacted Area and Supplement to QA Project Plan that Enbridge submitted Aug. 29, 2010
Modification to Aug. 17, 2010 Source Area Response Plan - September 7, 2010 (PDF)(66 K)
Enbridge provides more detailed approach to identify and complete source removal laid out in the Source Area Response Plan.
EPA Responds to Enbridge Oil Spill in Romeoville - Sept. 9, 2010 (PDF)(1 pg, 9 K)
EPA news release about Enbridge oil spill in Romeoville, Illinois
US EPA Supplement to order for compliance - September 23, 2010 (PDF)(3 pp, 570 K)
US EPA Supplement to order for compliance under section 311(c) of the Clean Water Act - Docket No. CWA-1321-5-10-001
US EPA Notice of Conditional Approval with Modifications of Enbridge''s September 27, 2010, submittal - October 5, 2010 (PDF)(17 pp, 208 K)
US EPA Notice of Conditional Approval with Modifications of Enbridge's September 27, 2010, submittal - October 5, 2010
US EPA Notice of Disapproval of Enbridge's Sept. 27, 2010, submittal - Oct. 5, 2010 (PDF)(6 pp, 153 K)
Supplement to source area response plan and supplement to response plan for downstream impacted areas
Appendix A - Part 201 - Sites of Environmental Contamination (FOIA) (PDF)(49 pp, 19 MB,
October 2010)
Appendix A to Evaluation of Potential Impact of Released Oil on Groundwater used for Drinking Water
Operations and Maintenance Work Plan - October 2010 (PDF)(49 pp, 2 MB)
Supplement to Source Area Response Plan and Supplement to Response Plan for Downstream Impacted Areas
Hydrogeological Evaluation Report (PDF)(19 pp, 15 MB,
Oct. 30, 2010)
Evaluation of potential impact of released oil on groundwater used for drinking water
Winter Containment Plan (PDF)(5 pp, 713 K,
Dec. 8, 2010)
Supplement to Operations and Maintenance Work Plan referred to as Winter Containment Plan
EPA Letter to Calhoun County Commissioner Haadsma - Dec. 17, 2010 (PDF)(2 pp, 48 K)
Letter to Calhoun Co. Commissioner Haadsma about persistent oiling after the Enbridge Oil Spill.