Includes, but not limited to, Enbridge's request to reduce containment system curtain height, order for removal under section 311(c) of the Clean Water Act, approvals of submital.
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Cover letter for March 14, 2013 Order for Removal under Sect. 311(c) of CWA (PDF)(4 pp, 725 K)
EPA is issuing a final Administrative Order to Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership and its affiliates concerning further response actions on the areas of the Kalamazoo River affected by the July 25, 2010 Enbridge Line 6B oil discharge
Enbridge request to reduce containment system curtain height - March 22, 2013 (PDF)(19 pp, 76 K)
Enbridge's request to reduce the E-4.0 Containment System curtain height from 3 feet to 2 feet - March 22, 2013
Enbridge''s response to EPA Order 3/14/2013 - March 21, 2013 (PDF)(13 pp, 39 K)
Enbridge intends to comply with the Order and address the remaining amount of residual Line 6B oil and carry out cleanup activities
EPA approval of Enbridge request to reduce containment system curtain height - March 27, 2013 (PDF)(14 pp, 48 K)
US EPA Approval of Enbridge's 3/22/2013 request to reduce the E-4.0 Containment System curtain height from 3 feet to 2 feet
EPA Approval with Modifications of Enbridge's May 1, 2013 Submittal - May 8, 2013 (PDF)(17 pp, 58 K)
EPA Approval with Modifications of Enbridge's 2013 Submerged Oil Removal and Assessment Work Plan in reasponse to 3/14/2013 Administrative Order
EPA Letter to Enbridge re Proposed Order for Recovery of Submerged Oil - October 3, 2012 (PDF)(2 pp, 815 K)
Cover letter to Enbridge re Proposed Administrative Order for Recovery of Submerged Oil
EPA Response to Comments regarding Proposed Order - March 14, 2013 (PDF)(5 pp, 1 MB)
In the cover letter transmitting the proposed Order, EPA invited Enbridge to submit written comments or other information that it believed EPA should consider prior to issuing the Order.
Order for Removal under Section 311(c) of the Clean Water Act - March 14, 2013 (PDF)(2 pp, 363 K)
EPA Adminstrative Order under Clean Water Act Sect. 311(c) requires Enbridge to perform certain response actions, to remove and mitigate the effects of oil discharged into Talmadge Creek, the Kalamazoo River and adjoining shorelines in and near Marshall, M
Proposed Order for Removal Under Section 311(c) of the Clean Water Act - October 3, 2012 (PDF)(1 pg, 94 K)
EPA Proposed Administrative Order requiring Enbridge to perform additional cleanup related to the 2010 Kalamazoo River oil spill in Marshall, Mich.
U.S. EPA Approval of Enbridge's request to reduce boom locations (PDF)(14 pp, 47 K,
April 2013)
US EPA Approval of Enbridge's 4/15/2013 request to reduce the E-4.0 Containment System from 6 boom locations to 4 boom locations
U.S. EPA Approval of Enbridge's Alpha Oil Fingerprinting Analysis Schedule - April 9, 2013 (PDF)(2 pp, 258 K)
EPA approves Enbridge's Alpha Oil Fingerprinting Analysis Schedule submitted 4/5/2013
U.S. EPA Disapproval of Enbridge's 2013 Consolidated Work Plan - April 11, 2013 (PDF)(2 pp, 473 K)
US EPA Disapproval of Enbridge's 2013 Consolidated Work Plan (4/4/2013) submitted in response to EPA's 3/14/2013 Administrative Order