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Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in SIPs and TIPs

Emissions Quantification Methods Comparison

Key Considerations


eGrid non-baseload Capacity Factor Hourly Emissions Energy Modeling
Purpose Preliminary Analysis well-suited for
intended purpose
well-suited for
intended purpose
well-suited for
intended purpose
not well-suited
(either too costly or
not robust enough)
Voluntary Programs well-suited for
intended purpose
well-suited for
intended purpose
well-suited for
intended purpose
not well-suited
(either too costly or
not robust enough)
General Benefits Info well-suited for
intended purpose
well-suited for
intended purpose
well-suited for
intended purpose
well-suited for
intended purpose
Regulatory or statutory
not well-suited
(either too costly or
not robust enough)
acceptable* well-suited for
intended purpose
well-suited for
intended purpose
Emissions Pollutants of interest CO2, NOx,
SO2, CH4, N2O
NOx, SO2, CO2 NOx, SO2, CO2 NOx, SO2, CO2,
Scale Geographic eGRID subregion eGRID subregion Regions vary modeling regions
Imports & Exports Only within
eGRID regions
Only within
eGRID regions
Depends on
size of regions
Fully addressed
Source Aggregation Boiler,
Power plant or
Unit (EGU)**
Unit (EGU)
Unit (EGU)
Temporal - time scale,
historical vs forecasted
Annual &
ozone season
(NOx) historical
Annual &
ozone season
(NOx) historical
Annual, seasonal,
hourly forecasted
Resources Time Low Low Medium High
Money Low Low Medium High
Staff Expertise Low Low Medium High

* Better suited when electric generating unit (EGU) capacity factors are used and future generation is included. When appropriate, the outputs could also be at the county level.  See Roadmap, Appendix I for details.
** Electric generator units encompass boilers, combustion turbines, internal combustion engines, or other electric generating technologies.