Enforcement case resolutions such as expedited settlement agreements, administrative settlement agreements, administrative penalty orders, consent agreements and final orders, and consent decrees are listed by respondent name below.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- MOD Cycles Corp (PDF)(16 pp, 675 K)
- Blata USA Corp (PDF)(7 pp, 362 K)
- Briggs & Stratton Corp. (PDF)(11 pp, 447 K)
- CASCO Sales Company, Inc. (PDF)(15 pp, 597 K)
- Eton America, LLC (PDF)(12 pp, 543 K)
- Generac Power Systems, Inc. (PDF)(41 pp, 5 MB)
- Hardware & Tools for the World, Inc. (PDF)(17 pp, 658 K)
- Marathon Motors Corp (PDF)(11 pp, 130 K)
- Meireles Trucks Sales, Inc. (PDF)(8 pp, 2 MB)
- Pramac Industries, Inc. - 7259 (PDF)(10 pp, 371 K)
- Simply Reliable Power, Inc. - 7262 (PDF)(10 pp, 374 K)
- Tiger Truck, LLC (PDF)(15 pp, 665 K)
- Carpomex of America (PDF)(6 pp, 1 MB)
- AXCO of Florida, Inc. d/b/a Boom Trikes USA (PDF)(10 pp, 2 MB)
- Caterpillar Inc. and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (PDF)(13 pp, 3 MB)
- Caterpillar Inc. (PDF)(11 pp, 2 MB)
- Cummins Inc. (PDF)(10 pp, 2 MB)
- Dixie Sales Co. Inc. (PDF)(13 pp, 3 MB)
- GE Jenbacher GMbh & Co. OHG (PDF)(10 pp, 2 MB)
- Ham Trading Inc. (PDF)(9 pp, 346 K)
- HES International, LLC (PDF)(12 pp, 2 MB)
- Japan Direct Imports LLC (PDF)(12 pp, 2 MB)
- Kymco USA d/b/a STR Motorsports Inc. (PDF)(9 pp, 2 MB)
- Midsouth Minitrucks, LLC (PDF)(15 pp, 3 MB)
- MOD Cycles Corp 7271 (PDF)(11 pp, 2 MB)
- MVP Enterprises Inc. (PDF)(19 pp, 4 MB)
- Peace Industry Group USA Inc. A&A Scooter, Inc. and Louis Thomas (PDF)(15 pp, 3 MB)
- Roberts Land & Equipment (PDF)(12 pp, 2 MB)
- Segma Power Products Co. (PDF)(10 pp, 2 MB)
- Toyota Industries Corp (PDF)(12 pp, 2 MB)
- Wayne/Scott Fetzer Co. (PDF)(8 pp, 1 MB)
- Yuan Cheng International, Inc. (PDF)(8 pp, 2 MB)