Paper Number: EE-0120
Document Date: 08/01/1989
Author(s): Arthur, W. Brian; Calhoun, Charles; Crocker, Thomas D.; Cropper, Maureen L.; Dickie, Mark; French, Michael; Gerking, Shelby D.; Hoffman, Daniel A.; Huber, Joel; Krupnick, Alan J.; Lichtenberg, Erik; Magat, Wesley A.; Mauskopf, Josephine; Miller, Ted R.; Murdoch, James; Pitcher, Hugh; Schechter, Mordechai; Shogren, Jason F.; Spear, Robert C.; Thayer, Mark A.; Viscusi, W. Kip; Zilberman, David
Subject Area(s): Economic Analysis, Benefits Analysis, Revealed Preference Methods, Stated Preference Methods, Costs of Damages Avoided, Contingent Valuation, Morbidity Health Benefits
Keywords: Economic Analysis, Benefits Analysis, Revealed Preference Methods, Stated Preference Methods, Costs of Damages Avoided, Contingent Valuation, Morbidity Health Benefits
This document contains the proceedings for the 1989 Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Workshop on valuing reduced risks of morbidity human health effects. The Workshop included three sessions, with the following presented papers:
Session I. Estimating the Amount of Illness and Injury Associated with Specific Causes
- Daniel A. Hoffman, "The Role of Epidemiology in Developing Useful Data for Public Health Policy"
- Hugh M. Pitcher, "Estimating Skin Cancer (Melanoma) Deaths from Sunlight Exposure"
- James C. Murdoch, Mark A. Thayer, and William N. Weirick, "Acute Health and Variable Air Pollutants"
Session II. Valuation of Changes in Illness and Injury
- W. Kip Viscusi, Wesley A. Magat, and Joel Huber, "Pricing Environmental Health Risks: Survey Assessments of Risk-Risk and Risk-Dollar Trade-offs"
- Maureen L. Cropper and Alan J. Krupnick, "The Social Costs of Chronic Heart and Lung Disease"
- Josephine A. Mauskopf and Michael T. French, "Estimating the Value of Avoiding Morbidity and Mortality from Foodborne Illnesses"
- Ted Miller, Charles Calhoun, and W. Brian Arthur, "Utility-adjusted Impairment Years: A Low-cost Approach to Morbidity Valuation"
- Mark Dickie and Shelby Gerking, "Valuing Nonmarket Goods: A Household Production Approach"
- Mordechai Schechter, "Valuation of Morbidity Reduction Due to Air Pollution Abatement: Direct and Indirect Measurements"
- Jason F. Shogren and Thomas D. Crocker, "Risk, Self-Protection and Ex Ante Economic Value"
- Erik Lichtenberg, Robert C. Spear, and David Zilberman, "The Economics of Quarantines: An Application to Pesticide Regulation"
Session III. Using Morbidity Estimates and Values in Policy Decisions (a panel discussion)
This report is part of the Environmental Economics Research Inventory.
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Estimating and Valuing Morbidity in a Policy Context: Proceedings of June 1989 AERE Workshop (1989) (PDF)(418 pp, 2 MB,
EE-0120, EPA-230-R-89-065)
Papers presented at workshop hosted by multiple federal agencies and Association for Environmental and Resource Economists on methods for valuing reductions in human health morbidity risks.