Paper Number: EE-0195
Document Date: 07/01/1993
Author(s): Nestor, Deborah Vaughn, Pasurka, Carl A.
Subject Area(s):
Economic Analysis, Pollution Abatement Control, International Trade, Pollution Control Equipment
Keywords: Economic Analysis, Pollution Abatement Control, International Trade, Pollution Control Equipment
This 1993 study estimates total U.S. imports, exports, and trade balances for environmental protection (EP) equipment between 1980-1991. It concludes that although the United States is a major exporter of EP equipment, trade in EP equipment constitutes a relatively small percentage of total U.S. trade.
Report available at EPA's National Service Center for Environmental Publications.
This paper is part of the Environmental Economics Research Inventory.
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International Trade in Environmental Protection Equipment: An Assessment of Existing Data (1993) (PDF)(69 pp, 280 K,
EE-0195, EPA-230-R-93-006)
This 1993 study estimates total U.S. imports, exports, and trade balances for environmental protection (EP) equipment between 1980-1991. It concludes that although the United States is a major exporter of EP equipment, trade in EP equipment constitutes a relatively small percentage of total U.S. trade.