EPA has issued final Guidance on Considering Environmental Justice During the Development of a Regulatory Action. This guidance was created to ensure understanding and foster consistency with efforts across EPA’s programs and regions to consider environmental justice and make a visible difference in America’s communities. The final guidance supersedes the agency’s Interim Guidance on Considering Environmental Justice During the Development of an Action, released in July 2010.
The Guidance is a step-by-step guide that helps EPA staff ask questions and evaluate environmental justice considerations at key points in the rulemaking process. It helps EPA staff determine whether actions raise possible environmental justice concerns and encourages public participation in the rulemaking process.
The Guide is part of EPA’s efforts to advance environmental justice and to protect the health and safety of the historically underrepresented in the environmental decision-making process—minority, low-income, and indigenous populations, and tribes—who are often most at risk from environmental hazards.
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