Reporting Requirements for Continuous Releases of Hazardous Substances, A Guide for Facilities on Compliance
This guide will help you understand the definitions and requirements contained in EPA's Final Rule on "Reporting Continuous Releases of Hazardous Substances" (55 FR 30166) published on July 24, 1990. This final rule amended 40 CFR 302 and 355.
The Continuous Release Rule provides a reduced reporting option for facilities that release hazardous substances in a manner that is continuous, and stable in quantity and rate. This guide has been designed to provide facilities who choose this reduced reporting option with the information necessary to successfully comply with the continuous release reporting.
The guide is divided into two parts:
- Part 1 provides general information in a question and answer format regarding the Continuous Release Rule and the responsibility of the person in charge of a facility to report releases of hazardous substances.
- Part 2 contains detailed instructions on how to prepare continuous release reports that include all of the information required to qualify for reduced reporting under the Rule.
Although the Rule applies to both facilities and vessels, this Guide will only address the reporting requirements for facilities. Much of the information in this Guide is applicable to vessels. However, persons in charge of vessels who wish to report under the Continuous Release Rule should contact EPA to discuss vessel-specific requirements.
- Part 1: Reporting Requirements for Continuous Releases of Hazardous Substances
- Note: For current regional office contact information, please see: CR-ERNS Regional Contacts
- Part 2: Instructions and Procedures for Continuous Release Reporting
- For Exhibit 2-1: Checklist of Information Required in Initial and Follow-up Written Reports, please see: Appendix B.
- Appendix B: OMB Approved Continuous Release Reporting Forms
- Appendix C: Suggested CR-ERNS Reporting Format--Addendum to TRI FORM R (Not approved by OMB)