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EPA ExpoBox

Basic Information about EPA ExpoBox

Who developed EPA ExpoBox?

The Toolbox was designed by EPA's Office of Research and Development, in collaboration with other EPA scientists.

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When was EPA ExpoBox developed and how often is it updated?

EPA began to develop EPA ExpoBox in 2011 and released it to the public in 2013. In 2015, EPA ExpoBox was transformed to the new EPA web design and some of the tools were updated as a result. EPA plans to add exposure assessment resources to EPA ExpoBox as they become available.

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Who is likely to use EPA ExpoBox?

EPA ExpoBox makes exposure assessment information readily available to EPA, other government entities, and the wider public.

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How do I use EPA ExpoBox?

From the homepage, select the tool set that best describes the assessment that you intend to conduct. Within each tool set, use the menu to specify what you are looking for. Then locate relevant guidance documents, databases, models, or other resources using the tabs at the top of each page.

A search interface is available from the home page and left side menu to allow you to identify tools using key words. In addition, the Toolbox allows you to search the Exposure Factors Handbook tables.

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What are some of the potential uses of EPA ExpoBox?

The primary purpose of the Toolbox is to provide a comprehensive resource for those conducting exposure assessments. Some possible uses include:

  • Chemical-specific assessments – Toolbox resources could be used to develop chemical-specific exposure assessments.
  • Prioritization – Data or resources provided in the Toolbox could be used to prioritize or provide support for chemicals undergoing review by EPA programs.
  • Total exposure – Toolbox resources may also be useful in assisting EPA in its consideration of exposure to multiple contaminants or sources (e.g., cumulative exposures).

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How can I find out about updates to EPA ExpoBox?

EPA has a mailing list to notify users of updates as they become available. You may sign up for this from the homepage.

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