Good Neighbor Environmental Board (GNEB): Reports to the President of the United States
Note: To request a hard copy of a GNEB Report, please contact the National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) at or 1-800-490-9198 and request publication by the number listed next to each report on this page. Below is a list of the reports available at NSCEP. To get a copy of reports 1 thru 3 which are not available at NSCEP, please contact the DFO, Eugene Green at or 202-564-2432.
Good Neighbor Environmental Board Reports
19th Report
18th Report
- GNEB 18th Report: Environmental Quality and Security: A 10-Year Retrospective
- GNEB 18th Informe: Calidad ambiental y seguridad fronteriza: Una retrospectiva de 10 anos
17th Report
- GNEB 17th Report: Climate Change and Resilient Communities Along the U.S.-Mexico Border: The Role of the Federal Agencies
- GNEB 17th Informe: El cambio climatico y las comuniades resilientes en la frontera de EE. UU. y Mexico: La funcion de las agencias federales
GNEB Reports available thru NSCEP only
GNEB Report | EPA Publication No. |
16th | EPA-130-R-14-001 |
15th | EPA-130-R-12-001 |
14th | EPA-130-R-11-001 |
13th | EPA-130-R-10-001 |
12th | EPA-130-R-09-001 |
11th | EPA-130-R-08-001 |
10th | EPA-130-R-07-003 |
9th | EPA-130-R-06-002 |
8th | EPA-130-R-05-001 |
7th | EPA-130-R-04-001 |
6th | EPA-130-R-03-001 |
5th | EPA-130-R-02-001 |
4th | EPA-130-R-01-001 |