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Governmental Advisory Committee: Letters of Advice and Response

If you need help accessing these documents or to request copies of advice letters prior to 2017, please contact the GAC DFO, Oscar Carrillo, at 202-564-0347 or

GAC Advice Letters

  Government Response
2020   2020
GAC Advice Letter of April 27, 2020

Advice 2020 – 1: CEC 5-Year Draft Strategic Plan

1. Under each strategic priority of the draft CEC 2021-2025 CEC Strategic Plan,

• What are the environmental issues and challenges facing North America over the next five years?

• What are the opportunities for the CEC, considering the organization's mission and mandate, to address these issues/challenges over the next five years?

2. How can the CEC amplify its work through partnerships in North America?

3. Where in this Strategic Plan do you see opportunities for enhanced roles for stakeholders and citizens?

4. General Comments and Recommendations.

  EPA Response to April 2020, Advice Letter
2019   2019
GAC Advice Letter of August 28, 2019
Topics addressed in this letter:

The May 2019 meeting of the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC)
resulted in advice that responds in several ways to the priorities of the
EPA via the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC).

• Building disaster resilient communities
• The circular economy
• Interconnectedness among the sectors to become more resource efficient
• Extreme events and
• Disaster risk resilience (DRR)
The GAC’s advice is organized according to three recommendations as follows:
1. Making "Health" a priority in all policies relating to health and environmental issues
2. Strategies for mitigating Extreme Events
3. Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and the Environment

  EPA Response to GAC August 2019, Advice Letter
2018   2018

GAC Advice Letter of November 15, 2018
Topics addressed in this letter:
Advice 2018-2 (October 10-11, 2018): Charge Question:
1. The U.S. seeks advice on actors and capacities at the
local, tribal and private sector who have expertise,
best practices, experience and resources on: early
warning, preparedness, response and resilience
to drought-flood, wildfires and extreme temperatures
2. Because preparedness response and resilience are
primarily a local effort, these actors may contribute
their expertise and best practices through the CEC
initiative to help advance capacities across North America.

GAC Advice Letter of May 30, 2018
Topics addressed in this letter:
Advice 2018-1 (April 26-27, 2018) Charge  Question:
1. Prevent/reduce sources of debris and plastics from entering into waterways
   to become marine debris/litter
2. Innovative uses of alternative materials that are able to decay or compost
    reducing the impact on waterways and coastal ecosystems
3. Mitigate marine debris and plastics that has found its way into waterways
     and coastal areas; and
4.  Increase public awareness and action to address the problem of marine debris/plastic


EPA Response to GAC November 2018, Advice Letter

EPA Response to GAC May 2018, Advice Letter

2017   2017

GAC Advice Letter of October 23, 2017
Topics addressed in this letter:
Advice 2017-2 (October 23, 2017): Charge Question 1: Provide advice on how the Council can engage States,
tribal nations and the private sector in North America to share their experiences advancing green growth,
North American trade and environmental protection

Advice 2017-3 (October 23, 2017): Charge Question 2: Provide advice on which exemplary green
growth activities and best practices being carried out by States, tribal nations and the private sector
could be highlighted at the 2018 Council Session.
Advice 2017-4 (October 21, 2017): CEC Youth Innovation Challenge

GAC Advice Letter of April 4, 2017
Topics addressed within this letter:
Summary Advice 2017-1 (March 30, 2017):  Charge Questions: Review and comment on
the twelve proposed projects for the 2017-2018 CEC Operational Plan



EPA Response to GAC October 2017, Advice Letter

EPA Response to GAC April 2017, Advice Letter

EPA Response to GAC's December 2016, Advice Letter