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National Advisory Committee: Letters of Advice and Response

If you need help accessing these documents or to request copies of advice letters prior to 2017, please contact the NAC DFO, Oscar Carrillo, at 202-564-0347 or

NAC Letters of Advice

Government Response

2020   2020

NAC Advice Letter of April 27, 2020
Advice 2020-1: On CEC Draft Strategic Plan, 2021-2015

1. Under each strategic priority of the draft CEC 2021-2025 CEC Strategic Plan,

What are the environmental issues and challenges facing North America over the next five years?

What are the opportunities for the CEC, considering the organization's mission and mandate, to

    address these issues/challenges over the next five years?

2. How can the CEC amplify its work through partnerships in North America?

3. Where in this Strategic Plan do you see opportunities for enhanced roles for stakeholders and citizens?

4. General Comments and Recommendations.

  EPA Response to April 2020, Advice Letter
2019   2019

NAC Advice Letter of July 9, 2019

Topics addressed in this letter (Meeting of May 15-16, 2019)
Advice 2019-1

1. Shift Investments from Creation to Dissemination Focused on Local and Regional Takeup
and Use of Expert Analysis, Practical Advice Assessment Tools, and After Action Reports, among other Resources.
2. Increase Interconnectedness of Sectors to Drive Efficiency and Effectiveness of Trilateral Trade and
Environmental Protection Initiatives
3. Leverage the Unique Role of Academic Institutions in Communities
4. Integrate Review of Disaster Risk Resilience in the Processes of Regulating and Deregulating Industry
5. Raise Awareness of the Environmental and Trade Impacts of Daily, Non-Extvents” that Disrupt Communities,
the Environment, and Trade at the Border Regions
6. Expand the Definition of Local in Border Regions
7. Recognize the Critical Transition from Extreme Event Response to Extreme Event Recovery
8. Leverage the Successes of Enforcement Policies at the Border that Create Value for Trade and the Environment.

  EPA Response to July 9, 2019, Advice Letter
2018   2018

NAC Advice Letter of November 15, 2018
Topics addressed in this letter (Meeting of October 10-11, 2018)
Advice 2018-2
1. Observations, Issues and Recommendations on extreme events
preparedness, response and adaptation/resilience for consideration by the
North American Extreme Event Advisory Committee (NAEEAC)
2. Names or Titles of actors who have the requested expertise, experiences or resources
3. Entities that have the requested expertise, experiences or resources

NAC Advice Letter of June 4, 2018
Topics addressed in this letter (Meeting of April 26-27, 2018)
Advice 2018-1 Charge Question: Marine Litter
(from November 2016)

EPA Response to November 2018, NAC Advice Letter

EPA Response to June 2018, NAC Advice Letter

2017   2017

NAC Advice Letter of October 20, 2017
Topics addressed in this letter (Meeting of September 14-15, 2017)
Advice 2017-4: Engaging Stakeholders
Advice 2017-5: Exemplary Activities and Best Practices for Inclusion at the 2018 Council Session
Advice 2017-6: Green Growth
Advice 2017-7: CEC Youth Innovation Challenge

NAC Advice Letter of April 4, 2017
Topics addressed within this letter  (Meeting - March 28-29, 2017)
Advice 2017-1  - Charge Question: General Thematic Recommendations
Advice 2017-2 - Charge Question: On the 12 Individual Prelimary CEC Projects Proposals
Advice 2017-3 - Charge Question: On the CEC Project Propsal Process

NAC Advice Letter of January 16, 2017
Topics addressed within this letter(Meeting – November 16-17, 2016):

Advice 2016-1 - Charge Questions: Marine Litter
Advice 2016-2 - Charge Questions: Food Waste
Advice 2016-3 - Charge Question: Additional Advice & Requests


EPA Response to October 2017, NAC Advice Letter

EPA Response to April 2017, NAC Advice Letter

EPA Response to January 2017, NAC Advice Letter