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Cleanups at Federal Facilities

Property Transfer at Federal Facilities


EPA assists in the transfer of properties at both Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) and National Priorities List (NPL) sites.  Because these facilities often encompass hundreds of acres with buildings, roads and other infrastructure, their effective and efficient cleanup and reuse can play a pivotal role in a community’s economic development.

To elicit community input, smooth the transfer process and mitigate the social and economic impacts of a site closure, EPA and the lead federal agency responsible for cleanup often work with surrounding communities through advisory boards. Together, the lead federal agency of each facility, EPA, and state and local governments conduct environmental restoration activities as efficiently and effectively as possible to help the local community put the property into economically beneficial use as quickly as possible.

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Policy & Guidances

Civilian Agency Property Transfer Guidance

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Liability & Transferee Policies

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