Download TRIM.Expo Inhalation / APEX
1. General Information
Three different versions of TRIM.ExpoInhalation (also known as APEX) are available: APEX 3.3 for use within TRIM, and two versions of APEX (APEX 5.2 and APEX 4.5), for stand alone use. For information about and documentation on these releases of TRIM.ExpoInhalation / APEX, please see the TRIM.ExpoInhalation / APEX page. For information on new files, models, etc., check "Recent Additions"
2. Installation Instructions
User’s may install and run TRIM.Expo in “stand alone” mode, or within the TRIM MIMS framework. If running TRIM.Expo within the TRIM MIMS framework, the TRIM installation program will install APEX3.3, which is the version currently compatible with TRIM. If running TRIM.Expo in the “stand alone” mode, follow the instructions in the APEX User's Guide for installing APEX 5.2 or APEX 4.5.
To take advantage of the features associated with running TRIM.Expo (as APEX3.3) as a TRIM “project”, use the TRIM installation program to install required components. The TRIM.Risk User’s Guide, Volume I describes how to run TRIM projects. Volume II describes the use of TRIM.Expo with TRIM.Risk. Example TRIM projects using HAPEM are also available.
3. Software Available for Download
See FERA recent additions for information on updates to TRIM.Expo and associated programs. Please read the installation instructions before installing files.
Installer for Windows--->APEX52_installer.exe (July 2020)(93 MB)
This installer includes executables for 32- and 64-bit Windows, source code, input files, and User’s Guides, and an introduction to APEX document. This installer will create a directory and place all files in subdirectories.
APEX 4.5 Fortran Source Code (zip)(206 K) - August 2012
4. Input Files
Consolidated Human Activity Database (CHAD)(4 MB) (activity diaries, metabolic and physiological parameters) for use with APEX 3.3 - 3/1/2005Population Files(33 MB) (2000 tract-level Census counts, tract locations, employment probabilities by age and tract) - 4/30/2003Commuting Database(41 MB) (Adult commuting patterns based on the 2000 Census) - 8/29/2005
B. Utility Programs. Posted below are utility programs for users with particular applications (e.g. use of ISCST outputs or need for census block level results).
ISCAPEX (zip)(216 KB) (2/16/2004) is a DOS-based utility that reformats ISCST3 results into the format required by APEX for air quality files and creates the districts input file required by APEX (all versions).
Apex Block File Builder (zip)(99 MB) (8/15/2005) is a DOS-based utility that creates block-level input data files for all versions of APEX for user-specified locations (i.e. counties). The APEX input files created by the utility for the selected locations are: sector location file (block FIPS codes; latitude and longitude of each block centroid); employment file (block FIPS codes; employment probability by gender and age group for each block); population files (one file for each gender; block FIPS codes; population by age bin for each block); and commuting file (each block FIPS code and cumulative fractions of population commuting to work blocks). Included in this zip file is a user's guide for this utility.
5. Example Applications
TRIM.Expo (1 run) Example Application - The first zip file package in step 2 below provides instructions for setting up and running an example application where TRIM.ExpoInhalation (i.e., APEX3) calculates inhalation exposure estimates for a single chemical, study area, facility, and source.TRIM.Expo (>1 run) Example Application – The second zip file package below provides instructions for setting up and running an example application where TRIM.ExpoInhalation (i.e., APEX3) calculates inhalation exposure estimates for multiple combinations of chemical, study area, facility, and sources.
Step 1. If TRIM has not been previously installed, install it using the TRIM Installer. Be sure to select "Inhalation Exposure Assessment with TRIM.Expo" when prompted to "Please select the activities you expect to perform with TRIM."
Step 2. Download the ZIP file for the desired example application:
TRIM.Expo (1 run) Example Application (zip)(109 MB) - 12/13/2005. This zip file contains 27 files.TRIM.Expo (>1 run) Example Application(99 MB) - 12/28/2005. This zip file contains 29 files.Step 3. Unzip the zip file from previous step into the "input" subdirectory of your APEX directory (e.g., C:\Models\APEX\input). Be sure to maintain the directory structure of the files being unzipped. This is done by default with WinZip's Wizard interface, and is done by checking the "Use folder names" box in the Extract screen of WinZip's Classic interface.
Step 4. Print the “StepsForTRIM…” pdf file (unzipped in Step 3) and follow its steps.