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TRIM.FaTE Publications and Presentations

  • Efroymson RE and Murphy DL. 2001. Ecological Risk Assessment of Multimedia Hazardous Air Pollutants: Estimating Exposure and Effects. Sci Total Environ 274:219-230.

2002 Joint Meeting of the International Societies of Exposure Assessment and Environmental Epidemiology. 12-16 August, 2002. Vancouver, Canada.

  • Evaluation of the TRIM.FaTE multi-media model - A mercury case study.. Murphy DL, Maddalena R, Langstaff J, Jones B, Lee RM, Eyth A, Lyon BF, McVey M and Laniak G.

21st Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 12-16 November, 2000. Nashville, TN.

  • Total Risk Integrated Methodology (TRIM): Focus on the Fate, Transport and Ecological Exposure Module (TRIM.FaTE). Murphy DL, Palma T, Hetes RG, Richmond HM, Vasu AB.
  • Conceptual design and mass balance framework for TRIM.FaTE. Lyon BF, McKone TE and Bennett DH.
  • Evaluation of a Complex Environmental Model: The TRIM.FaTE Example. Maddalena RL, Bennett DH, Murphy D, Hetes R.
  • Biotic Compartments in TRIM.FaTE, a Fate, Transport and Ecological Exposure Model for Air Pollutants. Efroymson RA, Jones DS, Lyon BF, Bennett DH, Maddalena, RL, Murphy DL.
  • Determining the appropriate level of model complexity. Bennett DH, McKone, TE, Hetes R.
  • Model performance evaluation of TRIM.FaTE, a fate, transport and ecological exposure model for air pollutants. Burch DF, Lee RM, Lyon BF, Murphy DL.
  • Estimation of uncertainty and variability within the total risk integrated methodology (TRIM). Hetes RG and Langstaff JE.
  • The TRIM Computer Framework. Fine SS, Eyth AM, Lyon BF, Palma T.,
  • Spatial resolution of TRIM.FaTE, a Fate, Transport and Ecological Exposure model for air pollutants. Bennett DH, Burch DF, Lee RM, Lyon BF, Murphy DL.

20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 14-18 November, 1999. Philadelphia, PA.

  • An Ecological Risk Assessment Methodology for Hazardous Air Pollutants. Efroymson, R.A., Jones, D.S., Vasu, A.

19th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 15-19 November, 1998. Charlotte, NC.

  • TRIM: A Multimedia, Multipathway Framework for Assessing Human and Ecological Exposure and Risk. Vasu, A.B., Hetes, R.G., Palma, T., McKone, T.E.

Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis. December 7-10, 1997. Washington, DC.

  • Introduction to the Total Risk Integrated Model. A.B. Vasu, T.R. Johnson, T.E. McKone, T. Palma, M.G. Dusetzina.
  • EcoFaTE: A TRIM Module for Linking Multimedia Environmental Systems with Biotic Domains. T. R. Johnson, G.W. Suter II, T. Palma.
  • A Generalized , Mass-Conserving Multimedia Transport and Transformation Model: Development of Transfer Factors. S. Guha T.E. McKone, D.H. Bennett, B.F. Lyon
  • TRIM: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects. B.F. Lyon, S. Guha, T.E. McKone.
  • Building Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis into the TRIM Framework. D.H. Bennett, T.E. McKone, M.G. Dusetzina.
  • A Dynamic Model for Terrestrial Ecological Exposure to Toxic Air Pollutants. R.A. Efroymson, B.E. Sample, B.F. Lyon, G.W. Suter II, C.T. Hunsaker, A.W. Simcock, and D.H. Bennett.
  • Predicting Pollutant Mass Transfers within Aquatic Systems using the EcoFaTE Model. R.D. Zimmer, J.Dee, D.S. Jones.
  • Estimating Multi-pathway human and ecosystem exposures within the Total Risk Integrated Model (TRIM). T.E. McKone, Ted Johnson, G.W. Suter II.
  • EcoFaTE Model Parameterization and Verification. C.T. Hunsaker, B.F. Lyon, T.E. McKone, V. Kilaru, A. W. Simcock.

18th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 16-20 November, 1997. San Francisco, CA.

  • A Multimedia Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Methodology for Air Pollutants. T. McKone, S. Guha, T. Johnson, B. Lyon, G. Suter, A. Vasu.
  • Use of EcoFaTE in Modeling Pollutant Mass Transfers and Subsequent Risks within Aquatic Systems. R. Zimmer, J. Dee, D. Jones, B. Sample, G. Suter.
  • A Dynamic Model for Terrestrial Ecological Exposure to Toxic Air Pollutants. R. Efroymson, B. Sample, C. Hunsaker, B. Lyon, A. Simcock, and G. Suter.